14: Care

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"It's seafood allergy ,but because her immune system is very weak there was a risk of complications." The doctor explained to Mr Kang and Mingyu who sent you to the hospital.

"Does she need to be hospitalized?" Mr Kang asked.

"Its not that serious. She needs to be careful on what she eats for awhile, she may leave after resting for a few hours." The doctor assured with a smile before left.

Mr Kang bowed sightly as sign of grate.

"We should call her uncle or Hoshi right?" Mingyu spoke, staring at your weak figure lying on the bed.

"The doctor said she'll be fine after a few hours, so I'll call them around the time." Mr. Kang replied looking at him.

Mr Kang heaved a sigh and said,"You can go now, Mingyu."

"What? Me? What would I?" Mingyu flustered.

"I'll be with her. You can go back to school now."

He scratched his nape awkwardly, avoiding the look from Mr Kang. He didn't want to leave yet, he was so worried about you and feel like to take after you.

"Well ... I .. need to be here ... I'm worried as her classmate and sitting partner." He mumbled.

Mr Kang's mouth fell open as he was surprised to see another side of Mingyu.

"You always sleep in my class, I didn't know you're that type of person.." Mr. Kang blurted out.

Mingyu stiffened, "W-well I-"


He cut off by a phone call of Mr Kang, that he picked it up immediately causing Mingyu to smile and breath in relief as he escaped from answering Mr.Kang.

"Yes sir.. I didn't leave the school yet.. my student is... yes?pardon? ... ah that file? Yes, yes I'll send it to you right away. Yes sir." Mr Kang talked all in respect.

"Mingyu ssi, I'm sorry but stay with her for awhile. I'll be right back." He said in rush after ended the call.

"Sure! You don't have to come back." Mingyu said making Mr Kang off guard and looked at him with his eyes widened.

"I'll keep a good eye on her." Mingyu added with his toothy smile. Mr Kang just shrugged.

"All right. Just stay here!" Mr Kang informed rushing out from the emergency room.

After seconds, he pulled the hospital bind around your bed to give some privacy so you could rest comfortably before sitting beside the bed.

His eyes fell on you, your face was pale and your lips was dried, sighing, a small smile appeared on his face.

He was actually exhausted by intenses training he getting from, but by just having you beside him as if it he forgot what tired is.

"Only sleep can stop you from being so cold and reckless." He commented softly.

A soft snore coming out your lips along with sharp breath. You were connected into the IV's drip.

"That's rude..." He smiled.

"You can't be pretty even when you're sick." He muttered under his breath gently pushing your bangs off your eyes.



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