44: Triggering

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The emotional part will start from here. It will become like roller coaster. So I suggest to all my reader to prepare for your heart. ♥️

Happy reading!


      I took one last look at everything that was around me,

The city I grew up with, the place with so much torture but yet beautiful memories with my only love. I would not miss them. Of this I was sure. I would not miss Wonu. I took a deep sigh and started to prepare my conduit to the afterlife.

I stood on the railing of rooftop and took a deep breath, in then out. After I made sure that the building was just the right height, I took step to edge of building more, closed my eyes, spread my arms then paused briefly. The calmness and resolve, whether it was in my head or heart, was remarkable.

I was determined to end the suffering so there was hardly any life that flashed before me. I was dying. I was already dead inside. Had been long before this night.


Before I could react, I could feel two arms were engulfing me , pulling me down to the cold floor back.

"Yah what are you trying to do? Are you going to leave me?"

Hearing his voice sooth in my ear could not stop me from crying hysterically. Tears kept rolling on my cheeks. I felt sparked under my abdoment, it churned and gave me warmth ,vanishing all the determination to end the pulse.

"Wonu, I can't take it anymore. My father has become a monster. He won't let me go until he get satisfied..there's no hope for me. I want to meet my mom," I choked, looking down on the cold floor.

He breathed sharply, then carefully reached my face to make me looked at his face. His eyes showed that he was hurted from my action that almost killed myself.

"Then how about me! I'm suffered too because of my mother's ambition Hae. We've been through all of this together, how do you expect for me to continue living if you go? Please... don't do this. We need each other."

He pleaded , locking his warm gaze on me. The sincerity touched my heart, which my inside craved for for all these time after I lost my mother.

My hand unconsciously went to touch his cheek. I didn't realize that I was holding onto my breath because at this point, he was the only one that kept me in sane state.

"I truly loved you. No matter how many times you lose hope to live, I'll always be here, Haeun." His eyes welled up.

He hugged me even tight and I felt really safe in his arms. It was like the torment that I received from my father were not there, the knotted muscles, sore body and stung lips. The pain was gone, although its hurted like hell.


You snapped out from your own thoughts when you felt a warm hand placed on top of yours. You turned to your side and saw Uncle Jaehun, wearing a worried look.

"A-ah, is Soonyoung done? " You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and looked around but that boy still didn't come downstairs.

You looked at the clock on the wall and realized that you were the one who got ready too early. You sighed to yourself hopelssly.

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