7: Choked

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"I see you always spend your time here." A person said.

You immediately looked at the person next to you to only found Mingyu.

He was wearing a black cap too with sightly sweats dripping from his templed and down his sharped jaw. He was panting as his hands at his hips.

His white shirt became transparent from all the sweats, which you barely can see his abs.

In no time, your bubble like feeling from the carbonate drink faded, replaced by an emotionless feeling that you wore at the whole time.

"Why do you care? It's none of your problem anyway."You rolled your eyes ,walking to a bench and sat on it.

"Right, I don't care."He said coldly before sitting next to you.

"Good, you shouldn't."You mumbled pushing your cap up a little.

A dead silence filled around you as the only sound of cicadas and wind blowing could be heard.

Before continued, forgot to introduce that Mingyu guy beside you.

It was his normal activity to jog around Hangang at night or morning, being the ace of track team in school ,he must always keep his stamina maintained.

In addition, he looks like a cold person but he is very friendly and a quite playful person especially with people he closed to. He is popular for being handsome, has a good grades and rich boy but no one knows who he really is, like what his parents do or something that involves his family, except his closed friends, Seungkwan.

(A/N:okay enough for that kid now. Soon will explore more bout him. Mian~)

Its strange you let him stayed next to you and he also felt confused what he was doing as he glanced you who kept looking at your watch, waiting for Hoshi.

"Waiting for someone?"You heard him spoke softly, breaking the silence.

"Hmm"You hummed in approval.

"Who? Hoshi?"He asked causing you to furrow your brows.

"Stop questioning me like old man in his 90. You care that much?" You asked as he turned his head towards you with a smirk tugged his lips.

It shows his beautiful fangs that you never noticed before. You found it the most interesting creature in world as you loved vampire and prefer that kind of story for reading.

"Yah, you're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul." He stated snapping you back to sense.

You looked away,"Tsk, the ice inside me is to make my life bearable." You muttered but still audible for him.

"No matter how cold this world gets, please don't lose touch of morality and allow it to turn your heart cold."

You stared at him blankly as you became triggered and irritated.

"I see your nose bridge has wound there. May I know who did that to you?" You asked.

"Yah, are you kidding me? You're the one-"

"Exactly..." You said through gritting teeth causing his forehead creased.

"What.." you came closer to him.

"I think you deserves more than that how about your nose bridge broke so you can have surgery and got a new nose?" You suggested with a teasing yet menacing tone.

"Yahh don't scare me. Eyy, you're a girl so act like one!" He let out a nervous laughed.

"Really? You look me as a girl?" You asked as it was absurd thing you ever heard.

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