45: Kind

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I traced a finger at my fresh cut on my cheek. I clenched my jaws in frustration as I got this from Somin just because of her damn jealousy. An annoying huff left my lips as I felt ridiculous when Somin trying to make fuss with me and couldn't even calm her nipple down.

At the moment, a message entered my notification causing me to chuckle lightly.

Obviously, I was texting with Mingyu and his foolness never failed to entertaint my souless inside. But , I kind of upset that he couldn't come to Seungkwan house so we could go for a late night walk after the study session as he had an urgent matter came up.

I cringed to myself, wow I don't know I was this clingy..

The click from the door brought me back to the reality. I looked up while feigning an innocence face and saw Seungkwan, wearing a red shirt with black pants. His hair was sticking out everywhere.

"Oh, come in." He turned back inside. "My parents aren't here, they went to my grandma house at Jeju Island."

I invited myself in, taking a quick peep inside his apartment.

"Hoshi couldn't join us. His parents come to Seoul and he dearly missed them." I informed while Seungkwan slid the curtains open.

He hummed in respond.

"Ah, my face is so swelling up right now." He whined out as he looked into the mirror. I gave him a blank look.

"You must had just woken up. Go wash your face, I can't handle that face for the entire time." I critized which received a death glare from him.

"Of course you can't. Because I'm handsome than Mingyu!" He gave me a snickered smile.

I raised my brows at him because he suddenly talked Mingyu's name out of nowhere.

Both of us already agreed not tell anyone about us. Not when knowing how Hoshi would react as a protective brother as he was and not when you didn't want to be gushed by the dorks everyday. But before I could reply , I heard someone rang Seungkwan bell and I opened the door.

"Oh, Haeun. You're here." Hansol greeted me.

I scowled at Hansol, "Why are you here?"

Now, I had a deep crease on my forehead and Hansol immediately snapped out as he was offended.

"Yah, how dare you say that to me?" He gasped with a hurted expression. "Am I being prevented to join you to study?"

I rolled my eyes at his exeggerating reaction. I took a seat at the comfortable sofa before looked back at him.

"Tch, just sit down Hansol." I said, "But for real, why are you here? You're not a person who study to begin with."

I commented straight forwardly causing Hansol to grit his teeth as the fact strike to his face.

"I have my math assignment and have quite a few questions that I did wrong. So, I need Seungkwan's help to finish it." He explained as he walked across the living room to sit beside me at the sofa. I nodded.

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