28: Monday

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It's Monday and yes, I was on my way to school like always. Even if I had a week with no school, I wished I get another week, the past week , I was tired with work and needed a rest.

I tied my hair into short ponytail and fixed my black mask. The rashes was gotten better but some redness still could be spotted.

Hoshi suggested me to keep on wearing the black mask as  I was back to school.

"Look at those rats Soonyoung," I sighed looking on the students that making their way into the school.

Hoshi chuckled, "Aren't you excited to see Dino after a week?"

He sat on the passenger seat while me at the backseat.

"Yeah, I miss him so much," I said emotionlessly with poker face on.

"But, I heard Dino is transferring school though."

"Really? No fun at all. He gave up early."

"Yah, are you looking forward for another week of no school." Uncle Jaehun dropped me and Hoshi off to school.

"I'd love that." I grinned quickly climbing out of the car.

Hoshi got out from the car and fixed his blue hair on the window reflection.

"Be careful with what you eat. Hoshi watch her if she cause trouble again!" I heard Uncle Jae yelled when  we were walking into the school entrance.

"She can take care of herself!"Hoshi put his hand around my shoulder harshly pulling me closer beside him.

"Yah!" I nudged and glared at him.

That's when my eyes locked to Mingyu who just arrived. He was looking at me but immediately broke the gazed and walked away.

He was completely treated me coldly after that night. The idea of me dating Jeonghan was getting on my nerves. I did not even treat Jeonghan nicely for him to think like that. Stupid.

Yet, I understand that anyone could get the wrong idea as we basically wore match hoodie. But why would he get so mad?

I actually still have no fact why he suddenly got anger to me. I sighed.

"Haeun-ah," I snapped my head looking at Hoshi.

Hoshi smiled sheepishly and turned his head to Uncle Jae who had a soft father smile looking at the both of us.

Hoshi sent me a michievous look, jutting his chin to the older male. I think for seconds before get the glint that Hoshi sent.

I smirked.

"1, 2, 3.." Hoshi counted.

"Jaehun! Good bye hoe!" We chorused, waving at Uncle Jae when he was about to drive off.

His eyes widened.

"Such a perfect cousin. Both of you wait for me at home!" He warned and drive off.

Chuckling, I looked at Hoshi and he looked at me. My laugh stopped abruptly so was him.

"Just so you know, you will be responsible if we gonna sleep outside the house tonight." I said causing Hoshi to gasp.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the class building.

"Yah you rascal. You did it too. You're not excluded!" He yelled following my pace.

"But,  its fun to see our uncle get mad don't you think princess? I just love to see his annoyed face when we prank him like last time." Hoshi beamed brightly.

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