29: 3 Years Ago

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That's when, right at the moment Wonwoo's damn phone suddenly rang.

He turned around quickly to pick it up because he was in the library. Mingyu called at the wrong moment.

The old librarian head staff already gave him a look for making noise due which he politely muttered her a sorry.

"Yah, where are you? We have to start practicing." Mingyu grumbled over the call.

"Aish! I'm coming," Wonwoo whispered yelled, taking a glance at Seungkwan and Haeun.

He felt relieved as they did not realized him there. He could only see her eyes as she wore the black mask on, it was beautiful and sparkling. No wonder that chinesse became totally fool to have a crush on her.

He narrowed his eyes trying to have a better sight but his eyes could not help because he did not wear his occasion spectacles.

"Jeon Wonwoo! Are you there?! Just come to the track faster!"

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." He groaned making his way out from the library.


"Haeun-ah get up. I bring you chocolates." Seungkwan cheekily whispered waking you up.

You groggily lifted your head to face Seungkwan. You were surprised when Seungkwan shoved you with so many chocolates.

"Woho, did you get possesed? A stinky person as you won't never spend your money for this."

You stretched your body, after sleeping quite for while. You were sleepy from playing games with Hoshi last night

Seungkwan sat across you.

"Absolutely, squishy. These are gifts from Wonwoo hyung's fans." He explained and you turned to Seungkwan, suddenly thinking he was ridiculous.

"Fans? What your friend is ? A celebrity?"

"Yes he is." Seungkwan replied noncholantly.

You felt incredibly anxious when it came to that name since you never seen him.

You did not want to mess up your mind ,therefore you play dumb and did not ask any further about Wonwoo.

"Really? Woho no wonder..." You took it seriously when he was only joking. Seungkwan sighed while shaking his head.

"Are you really don't know or you don't know? Wonwoo hyung is our school's track and field captain. Every girl in this high school probably once had on crush with him. Even our director seems to be treated him like his own son."

"Captain? So what with that?"

"Because he always won in competition,  our school became the talk of the town. You know, our so kind-hearted Director Kim is so obsessed with reputation, he gives Wonwoo a special treatment."

"Huh, okay I've remembered Hoshi had talked about this. I didn't get it why he is so popular but I've never seen a glance of him."

"Are you serious?! Yah, I heard he really wants to meet you though."

Seungkwan exclaimed but immediately shut his mouth when receiving a glare from the head librarian.

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