53: Apology

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Jeonghan insisted on walking me back to home and because I was so lazy to resist him and turn down his offer, I just let him be. On the way home, he told me that how he missed his time with his sister back then when she was still healthy.

I kept quiet and listened to him, and only respond when it was necessary, because I knew it would make him feel better.

We were turning into my house's junction when suddenly, a man stood in our way, blocking us from walking. I noticed Jeonghan looked at me, puzzled. But, I already froze in my spot while my eyes slowly enlarging in horror , seeing the man infront of us.

I was left speechless in this situation. I scowled at the man to find the answer but eventually it hurted my heart. I hated him so much. The one I should called father, I rather called him monster.

My eyes were filled with anger as I had my hands balled into fists. My heart was burning, feeling like being stabbed.


I grabbed Jeonghan's arm and was trying to push my father away but suddenly I felt my arm was held tight by him, stopping me from walking away.

Disgusted, I swatted his hand away roughly. "Don't touch me."

"Okay, I won't. I want to see how's your doing. And you have friend now?" His tone sounded strange in my ears.

"Since when do you even care about my existence?" I scoffed while grabbing onto Jeonghan's arm.

"As you see, I'm living in peace without you. My friend and I are leaving, you can continue with your own life, no need to be a fucking hypocryte." Without waiting for my father's reply, I quickly dragged Jeonghan away.

"W-wait, Haeun!" Jeonghan called me out as an attempt to stop being dragged.

I finally stopped walking and now we were in an alley.

"What was that? I mean, why won't you let your father speak?" He inquired as soon as I let his arm off from my strong grip.

I clenched my jaw, looking away before, I took a really deep breath to calm myself, and to think as fast as I could so I would answer him avoiding another question.

"Look, Jeonghan, just pretend that we didn't meet anyone. Nothing just happened, okay?" I stared at him, begging him desperately and to my surprise he scoffed at my words.

"How could I? If you tell me why, then I'll do it." He asked, in challenging tone.

This guy is so stubborn. My insecurity was definitely winning over me.

"Jeonghan, he is no longer consider me as his daughter. I don't see any reason for him to meet me again." I exclaimed.

Jeonghan crossed his arms, he raised a brow as if not agree with me.

"So, aren't you curious, why did your father come again to find you?" He shot me another question, staring into my eyes.

"No more question, bro. Don't make me regret of talking with you," I said in controlled low voice. He let out a long sigh as he grabbed onto my both shoulder.

"Haeun, don't keep on running away. Your pain wouldn't be healed if you continue to be like this."

He assured and his words sounded appealing at me. There was a long silence until I finally said something. I took a step back from Jeonghan and shrugged off his hands from my shoulder.

"You should go back, Jeonghan.. I don't like to repeat myself." I turned away from him and walked away while keeping my head hung low.

As I walked, I could hear footsteps were following me from behind. I could tell who it was as exhaled a sharp breath, trying to ease the anger. I heard that person hesitantly called my name and I rooted on my track.

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