35: Despise

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Next day:


It was supposed to have school, NO, it school's sport day and I had to come to give them support but I was too lazy to get up and get ready.

The crowd. Ugh I will get suffocated!

I kept tossing and tossing around my bed while the phone was ringing , calls from the boys. I checked on my phone and it's Seungkwan whom calling.

"Ugh fuck it, I wanna sleep!" I threw my phone across the room out of frustation and immediately regretted it.

I ran towards it with my messy morning hair. "Please don't be broken please!"

I hoped before looking at my phone screen. Unfortunately, the screen got cracked and I cursed incohorent words under my breath.

"You know what , screw you!" I groaned.

There was knocked on the door.

"Haeun," Uncle Jaehun's voice muffled behind my door.

He opened the door and peeked his head out, " Kim Haeun. Answer the call, that Jeju boy is searching for you."

"....what happened to you?"

He was confused seeing me crouching down on the floor as I picked up my wasted phone.

"I woke up like this," I deadpanned, my voice hoarse from sleeping.

Uncle Jaehun stood still for a moment before he turned and looked at me."You are not attending the sport day?"

"Uncle,  it's the time of the month," I could feel my face flushed with embarrasment. I rubbed my temple looking away.

I was on my period. Heck.

"Oh," He replied.

"Okay umm, I will tell Hoshi and you'll go tomorrow. D-do you have it e..nough?" He asked hesitantly, knowing  the topic was awkward to be talk to, with man.

I was glad Uncle Jaehun was being considerative enough.

"Let me know if you want something okay. I'll be downstairs."

"And.. after Hoshi come back here, I want to tell both of you something, important." He emphasised making me frowned but I just shrugged it.

I stood up feeling so drowsy and weak. My body felt so uncomfortable, so I decided to take a bath and freshened myself up. Walking out the bathroom, I wrapped myelf with towel and changed into comfortable cloth.


"Hey Boo." I said weakly.

"Aren't you coming? I am with Jeonghan hyung now." He informed.

"He is there?"

"Yes. He wants to see Vernon and Dokyeom's game today. Where are you right now?"

"I'm at home."I replied.


"Tch, I don't feeling so well Seungkwan, just let them know that. Plus, the real games start tomorrow right? I promise to go with you." I assured as I did not want to argue with him even more.

I was lazy to talk.

"Aish arasseo. If you don't feeling well ,don't forget to take your medicine and rest well okay. Make sure to eat too!"

After some more nagging from him we ended the call.

I clutched my stomach as the pain became unbearable and my hands were shaking. I hate this so much , it felt like my stomach being twisted from both sides, squezzing the blood out from my body. Why did girls have to face this kind of pain? Each month? As I felt like I could die in any time with the ache, I took pain killer pills and sleep.

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