36: Kill

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"Ah, my puffy eyes makes my face hundred times uglier," You ranted while looking at your reflection on your phone.

You lifted your black cap up sightly observing around and suddenly feeling dizzy with so many people.

Curious and fazed looks darted your direction as a guy with black hair, sprinted towards you.

"Haeun-ah!" the guy screech from a distance and you could only notice his skinny figure before you were pulled into a tight, breath blocking hug.

"Haeun-ah!" He exclaimed once again, pushing you away with his grip on your shoulders and you gasped for air, trying to catch your breath.

"Minghao? You almost break my bone." You hit his head slightly and he winced while giggling.

"I knew you'd come! Haeun-ah you almost missed this event!" He had enthusiasm plastered over his face causing his pronouncation sound adorable.

"Our school are leading with golds. You know Seungkwan is upset because you broke your promise." He shook you on the shoulders.

"Promise are meant to be broken. But I have my own reason for not coming, and he just can find someone else to accompany him." You pointed out, trying to get away from his grip.

"But Seungkwan don't really have another friend except us."

Ah.. I forgot.

"Okay, okay," You conceded with a sharp breath as you held Minghao on his arm. "But you shit, could you let me go, I'm starting to get suffocate."

"Aw, yah don't curse too much kid, not good for girl," Minghao jested.

He messed with your hair before pulling you into a hug again protectively patting your head which now rested on his right shoulder.

"Aigoo, this troublesome kid,"

But letting this happened was more troublesome if you asked me.

"If Hoshi see you Minghao, your head will be chopped down for the next seconds."

Your eyes shot up as soon as you heard Mingyu's voice, and you pushed Minghao away instinctively. Mingyu held a questioning expression directed at you, why do I feel like I did something wrong?

Maybe because breaking the promise to see their races was rude, but you had your own concrete reason not to feel guilty. Weird.

"By Hoshi or by you huh?" Minghao rolled his eyes.

Before you could respond, a familiar voice could be heard from a distance.

"Haeunie!" Seungkwan cheered snapping our head to the source of voice.

He was running within the crowd while waving his hand with an astounded smile.

"Hey Boo," You said emotionlessly, shoving your hands into pockets like you always do.

You noticed the dejected pout on Seungkwan's face and you cackled inside your mind. Poor guy, I'm not a good friend.

"What a nice welcome," Seungkwan huffed, folding his arms over his chest.

"Bro, obviously. You do expect me to greet you way to excited like you did? Hell no." You raised a brow.

Mingyu and The8 looked between the two making fun of each other. The8 let out a small smile before gasped when something clicked his mind.

"Mingyu, we need to meet the coach remember? See you both cuties again! Come to see us okay!" The8 spoke up. He grabbed Mingyu's arm to drag him along.

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