27: Regret

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"Oh my god Hansol! 2 plus 3 is fucking 5 not 6." Seungkwan snapped as he taught Hansol in math.

"Well, I confused with the symbol times and plus! Your hand writting is so ugly ass." Hansol said.

"I thought you've used to my hand writting, you make my heart ached!" Seungkwan cried frustratedly pulling out his hairs.

"Stop screaming guys, gosh my ears!" Hoshi groaned.

"You have to take care your friend here Soonyoung. You're the top student but he is confused with addition and multiplication." Seungkwan talked back.

"That's not even my fault you rascal!" Hoshi held his chest in disbelief.

Dokyeom snickered, "Your hand writing is so-"

"Fucking crows, don't bark like only you exist in this cafe. You're disturbing other customers." I spoke cutting Dokyeom off.

"Wait, did you just cut me off?" Dokyeom triggered for no reason.

I smirked to him cockily, "Why? Wanna fight?" I said in ready-to-fight position.

"Oh my god, I'm not fighting with girls but you are not included." Dokyeom remarked stressfully. He put his fist out, ready to fight.

I swore we were like the MMA fighter in the rings, but in reality we were in the middle of freaking cafe.

"DK ,just stop harassing her." Minghao said.

"I thought Dokyeom hyung is the who get harassed by Haeun."Hansol commented.

"Just go to MMA rings, both of need some beating up to get yourselves back." Hoshi said while playing games in his phone.

Dokyeom smiled evilly to me, as he did the boxers style of air punching.

"Ahh I need a rest." Seungkwan casually sighed. He pushed his glasses up on his nose bridge.

"Haeun-ah Dokyeom-ah. People are watching , just keep your stupidness for later okay." He added.

We both looked at him, then looked to each other. Dokyeom and I huffed annoyingly.

"Tch, you guys are mean and just jealous of me having fun with Haeun."

"That's right. Let just keep my punch for another day ,okay DK?" I grinned and he laughed loudly.

Thats when I saw Uncle Jaehun, walked with his big stride towards us.



Dokyeom and I hissed in pain.

"Oh my god!" Seungkwan laughed while cupping his mouth trying not to be loud along with others.

"Uncle, don't treat Haeun like that." Minghao gasped in worried.

Its like this everytime I get hurt over small things. That chinese guys would be so worry as fuck.

I internally cringing as he obviously showed how he felt towards me. Hoshi had informed that Minghao likes me. He must be mental to attracted with a girl that had no life like me.

"Why are you hitting me?" I rubbed the back of my head.

"Uncle Jaehun! What's wrong?" Dokyeom groaned.

"What's wrong you ask me? Dare to ask again. You're so loud and disturbing the customers!" Uncle Jae whisper yelled at us.

I looked around me due to which some of the customers giving me a dirty look.

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