4: Lie

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"What do you mean?" You frowned as you still confused as fuck.

"You know, its become visible under there." He motioned his eyes for you to look down.

That's when you looked down to yourself that you could clearly see your bra and breasts because of the rain make it see-through.

"WHat the fuck!" You covered your breasts and chest with your hand and felt your cheeks heating up.

"Here, take my jacket to cover your-" He offered which you quickly took it from him and wore it.

"Finish your sentence , you'll lost something that not shine" you warned.

"...two mountains.."The unknown guy chuckled making you triggered.

You was about to give him a punch when he grabbed your wrist preventing your fist meet his cheek. You raised another hand to slap him but he grabbed it too.

He took a step closer, his eyes locked with you with an arrogant smirked plaster on his face. You forced to tilt your head up because he was intimidating tall standing in front you.

You could see how his beautiful perfect nose and sharped dark brown eyes in that distance.

"I'm sorry but you make it worst now. Cause I can really see your breasts in this distance." His voice low and steady.

You let out a soft chuckled as you licked your lips to keep it moist. You leaned closer to his ear while tip-toeing a bit and whispered making him to stiff.

"Cause why not? This distance..help me to-" You curled your knee and hit his part that not shine.

A soft groaned left his mouth before he released the grip on you taking a step backward. He laughed in pain as his left eye closed to bear the pain.

"You sure different from the other girls" He said through gritted teeth.

"I know" You agreed.

You didn't care if you had to beat his ass up because you thought that where would you see the guy again.

Your phone rang again and it was from Hoshi. You glanced one last time to the guy and rolled your eyes before ran to get the taxi.



"Hello?" I answered.

"Where are you now? Jaehun hyung is worried about you" Hoshi asked.

"Worried? Nobody cares about my existent before" I replied.

"But-" Hoshi cut off and I heard the phone being snatched away.

"Is that Haeun?" From the voice I know it's uncle.

"No it's anonymous" I rolled my eyes although he was not going to see it.

"Yah! How dare you running away! You know I was so worried about you?" He yelled.

"You just being too emotional Mr.Song" I answered lamely as the taxi pulled over infront of a building.

"That's right, you're too cold to feel my kindness!" He commented.

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