61: Trust

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This entire chapter is a throwback. So I thought I'd just mention it instead of put everything in itallic. Enjoy!



"Ya. Stop talking Soonyoung, let me speak with Haeun too." Mrs.Kwon scolded her son as they were facetiming. You chuckled while looking at Hoshi who was already pouting.

"Haeun-ah, isn't it hard to live with those two lazy man? You must've a hard time there." Her resemblance to Hoshi welcomed you as soon as you took the phone.

"Needless to say, aunt Kwon. Especially Soonyoungie, he won't let me live peacefully." You gave an evil glared to Hoshi.

"YAH I -"

Mrs. Kwon knew her son too well, she cut his words off before Hoshi could start whining."Don't you want to live with me in Japan? Sometimes I wish to have a daughter too, who would accompany me to do house chores, cook and so on."


Her query astounded you. It did left a pinch feeling in your heart. You'd lie of you were not craved for mother's love sometimes and the fact Mrs.Kwon was you mother's sister, didn't help either.

"Omma, Haeun loves to live here with me and uncle. Plus, I think she won't leave the boys here." Hoshi replied for you, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, but if you ever wanna experience to live in Japan, my door is always open for you, okay Haeun." Aunt Kwon smiled warmly.

A few minutes later, the call ended. While Hoshi went to kitchen downstairs to eat his late night snack, you entered your bedroom and checked on your phone. A soft smile curved on your lips as you saw the notifications.

Come out, I'm on my way to your house. In five minutes.

You were about to type him reply message when your phone's screen turned into an upcoming call. You shook your head at his unexpected visit but still came downstairs with a giggle.

You closed the door behind you and literally could see Mingyu's head coming out behind the concrete fence. Reaching outside, almost immediately you pulled him into a hug. Your face burried in his chest. His familiar scent made you felt warmth and relax.

Not getting any responds from the boy, you pulled away from Mingyu and looked at his face with a knotted brows.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh ok- " Mingyu stuttered as he could literally felt the butterflies in his stomach.

For a moment, Mingyu only stared into your eyes before he pulled you into his embrace. A gasp escaped from your mouth.

This time he tightened the hold while closing his eyes, feeling a great solace because of your sudden moved just now. He knew it you gonna choose him and only him.

"Yah. You never failed to surprise me Haeun."

"Lame," You chuckled at his comment and shook your head in amusement before giving a strong looked at him.

"Did you sneak out from the dorm Kim Mingyu?"

"Rather call that as privillege." He answered. Both of you naturally started to walk side by side towards Hangang park.

"For being director's son?" You guessed and he hummed. "Only the coaches know."

"Oh, talking about my father, he has been weirdly nice to me lately. I was shocked when Nari ahjumma visited with bunch of food last time." He told in amusement.

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