18: Night trip

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A/n: There's something wrong with wattpad and this chapter was unpublished. So please read this first before proceed to chapter 19. Sorry guys.


"I kinda miss you,"He whispered to your ear, hugging you tighter.

His hot breath brushed against your neck causing you flinched a little and lick your lips.

Your face got squeezed into his chest while your hands stood still on your side. His musk like scent drove you nut, it make you felt sleepy and drunk in his warm embraced. Didn't forget about his heart rate that beated faster as your ear on his chest literally hearing it evaluated.

You slowly started to feel heat on your cheeks despite the cold breeze you got from sitting at the outdoor balcony for long time. Brain in your head stimulated the hormones making your heart skipped a beat. You'd lie if you won't miss his warm arms wrap around you later.

You felt your cold heart to crack and melt a little. Its been so long since you felt like that, tle last moment you remembered was only when Wonwoo still beside you and existed in your life.

He pulled away and looked into your eyes.

The look in his eyes were beautiful; with the dim of light his face was still shone bright under the stars. His eyes hooded, a slight lust that sent shivers down your spine as it vibrant straight to your frozen heart and elevated the speed.

He felt the same, looking deep in your dark eyes, was everything. A simple touch from you would melt him more than a million times - piercing into his soul under your gaze.

Before your thoughts were going too far and deeper, you let out a chuckle in disbelief. The thought of someone would miss a depress hoe like you and the thought of your frozen heart lost its ice was just absurb.

At one point, both of you were back to senses , in scared and surprised.

He looked away wandered to everywhere but never you.

"Miss me?" You spoke.

You shook your head vigorously, frowning. You poked his cheek causing him to glance at your finger that on his cheek than at you, feeling confused.

"Oh, this not a dream, am i on drugs?" You murmured and he chuckled, "of course you're not."

"Oh boi, you'd be a dead meat." You mumbled palming your forehead whilst other hand on the waist.

You turned to face him with dark look that somehow made him gulped , you grabbed his collar pushing him against the wall.

"Yah! How did you enter my house and what the hell are you doing HERE––"

He quickly put his hand on your mouth when you basically yell,"Shut up! You plan to make everyone awake?" He whispered.

"Oh, i'm exposed," you gasped dramatically and released his collar. He straighten his cloth scoffing quietly with a small pouted, adorable.

"Yah, how did you get in?" You were triggered.

"I knew the password remember?" He said. That time you face palmed yourself.

You told him the password when he brought you home last time. Thinking of that, you ran your hand through your silky hair.

"Kim Mingyu," you said, "Should I tell you that you're lucky that I'm not beating you up with baseball bat again?" You menaced.

He rolled his eyes, "tch, there's no such thing."

You raised your brows, as he said. "There's only one lucky thing happen to me."

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