13: Limp

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'Clak' the sound of door being opened. Oh fuck.

I dragged him into the bathroom and  locked the door behind us.

Author: Your hand was clasping his wrist while the other hand covered his mouth, preventing him from making any sound. You both were pressed up against each other so closely, facing each other that you could feel his chest move with every inhale and exhale.

"What are we going to do now?" He panicked.

His voice muffled under my hand and I let go my hand from his mouth before took a safe distance.

"Sleep." I rolled my eyes.

"Huh?" He looked buffled.

"Dumb ass. He'll totally get the wrong idea if he see you here. I know my uncle."

"What he gonna do?" He asked in whisper.

"You'll find yourself in the cell the next minute and he'll beat your ass up." I explained and saw him gulped.

"Like uncle like niece.." He muttered under his breath.

"Haeun-ah? Where are you?" I heard uncle Jaehun calling me.

"I'll go distract him in his room so you could take your things upstairs and go home." I commanded and he nodded.

I turned the knob and tumbled out of the bathroom, only to look up and come face to face with what-are-doing looking of uncle Jaehun.

"Oh, you're back." I stated, trying to stay calm.

He narrowed his eyes at me,"Yah, just like that?"

"Hmm,?" I raised my brows.

He pulled me into a hug, "You should hug me you little rascal! I miss you so much."

"Yeah.. hahah miss you too haha." I fake a laughed.

"Everything's alright? You seems nervous." He frowned and pulled away.

"Ah, no no. I ju-st surprise with you suddenly standing here like a ghost." I stuttered, smiling sheepishly.

"Where's Hoshi? He didn't accompany you here today?" He asked.

"I don't know, he's busy studying at his house i guess." I replied.

"Jaehun-ssi, I think you should take shower cause you really smell like garbage right now." I suggested causing him to scowl.

"Yah! Watch your language!" Uncle Jaehun snapped.

"Just stating the truth hoe..." I shrugged, whispering the last part.

"Okay fine,"He sighed in defeat pinching my nose.

As soon as he entered his room , I quickly peered to see Mingyu and told him he could go now. He ran upstairs to take his things before we went outside slowly tip-toeing. Reaching outside, I handed him the jacket that I forgot to give him back.

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