46: Little date

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I opened my eyes wide and instinctively sat up on the couch. My chest pumped heavily as I looked around my surroundings and realized that was dream again. Damn, it felt so real.

I was in the living room. There was no one in the house since I got home. Clutching my heart, it took sometimes to realize that I fell asleep on the couch, and it was midnight.

It was the same dream, but a little different than usual. I was tortured by my father and a boy in the pitch of darkness saw that, whom I believe it was Wonwoo, my childhood friend.

In that dream, I left alone in the darkness. I felt so terrified and scared because I saw a lifeless Uncle Jaehun laying on the floor as if he will die which made my chest tightened.

In short, the dream was really an awful nightmare. I did not even want to recall it. It pained me.

I wrapped my face with my hand to calm my nerves down. Suddenly someone punching password into the house causing me to look at the door.

"Haeun, you're not sleeping? Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Uncle Jaehun rushed towards me as I did not even realized a tear slipped.

I wiped it away quickly and exhaled a few times to grasp my sense.

"You're trembling." He held my shaky hands.

I stared at his worried face. He would not leave me right? Please, I was just began to refresh my dark life into a new one. No, I needed my uncle because I have no one else to depend with.

"I-I'm scared.." I could not even talk properly from the aftermath. "Just.. don't leave me alone, like what my parents did.."

He came closer and hugged me. "Hey, I'm not going anywhere okay." He assured me as he caressed my head.

When he did that, the tears became stubborn again to come out. I was sobbing so hard until a heavy weight added on my shoulder.

"Everything will be alright. Take all the time you need to heal yourself, Haeun-ah. Sharing the pain is not easy... but you know, I will always be here with you. I promise." He whispered against my ear.

I met his tired eyes with anothet tears ran down my cheeks. He wiped my tears before offered a warm smile at me. There was a long silence until he said something again.

"Don't cry, seeing you break down like this..," He trailed off,  "It hurts me,"

In the silent night, I felt myself starting to accept the whole foreign information slowly, that there were people who loved me and woukd stay by my side. And when I did, I felt my heartbeat paced up. I wasn't sure what I was feeling.

I brought my eyes upwards when Jaehun pulled away from the hug, and I was a little taken aback when I saw Jaehun was giving me a kind of look again. The kind that making me felt uneasy and sick.

The look of guilt.

Why did he always give me that look, I hate it so much.


I closed the door to my house. It was quite early on the morning but I decided to leave for school after preparing breakfast for Uncle Jaehun who was still sleeping.

Weird much? I was asking that to myself too. I just feel up to it.

Hoshi wasn't at home as he slept over with his parents at a hotel and probably gonna back to home this morning. He could just take a day off from school to spend his time with his parents, but Hoshi being a so called 'responsible class president' refused to do that.

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