63: Out of time

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"Wonwoo-yah," The voice pleaded desperately.

You peek your head inside and saw a woman clearly while Wonwoo had his back facing you.

"Omma, please... I've done everything you want, but this time I have to say no." Wonwoo sighed.

"Don't be a fool, Wonwoo. This is for your own good. I know you want it too!"

"Isn't for your own good? So you can prove yourself to appa that you've raised me up well? And brag to your friends? I'm just gonna do my best today because it's not only about me, but my friends and school too. And because there's someone who wants to see us win." Wonwoo told her.

His voice shook a little as he was trying to calm his nerve down and trying not sounded so rude. Not to mention that you were surprised to hear his outburst.

"Now, you're even talking back to me. Do you really have to do this, Wonwoo? Burying all your talents just because of that girl?" Mrs Jeon muttered in much disappointment.

Girl? You thoughts

"Stop blaming everything on her, omma." Wonwoo sighed, "Instead, you should've thank her for always support me when I almost give up not getting to your expectation back then."

"I have to go and do my best in the race so you'd be proud. But I'm sorry, mother. I think I'm old enough to make my own decision."

You quickly pulled yourself back when Wonwoo about to turn around and walked out of the visiting room. But,it was too late to realize what the hell you were doing there. Before you could run away and hide yourself,

"Haeun.." The deep voice called and your eyes fell on Wonwoo's handsome face.

Finally, without a mask.

You was completely stunned as you gazed at the silhouette by the door. That person stood out more than he did all those years ago. The foxy eyes, sharped nose and thin lips had appeared in your dreams countless times. His eyes was directly looking into yours with a hint of painful longing.

Now that you had seen him in person, you were speechless. At that moment, you felt as if your heart was about to pop out of your chest. You stood there, dumbfounded as you stared at his face with a blank expression.

Without yourself knowing, your feet found its way closer to Wonwoo and cupped his cheeks. You felt the world stopped for a moment.

"No way, you look exactly the same.." You mumbled, disbelief was plainly written in your eyes. I missed you..

This can't be happening.. you heard those words kept repeating, you were being in a denial state right now.

"Hae..." He called just above whisper and held your hand on his cheek. Wonwoo choked out, feeling despair even he already expected the time would come.

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