11: Sick

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I slowly opened my eyes and sat up straight on my bed before stretched my body and messying my hair

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I slowly opened my eyes and sat up straight on my bed before stretched my body and messying my hair.

I frowned remembering how I fell asleep last night, but couldn't have any clear thoughts.

I observed my room with my half opened eyes and eventually found a man sleeping on my couch. I was shook to find Mingyu  slept in my house and freakingly in my room.

"How did he get here though?"


A/n: you can play the video!

"Can you stay with me?"

You became puzzled,"For what?"

He slowed down his steps and made his way to sit at a wooden bench in the park you were passing, nearby your house.

(Picture's below):

You stopped at your tracks and cocked a brow as you watched him blankly before took a sit beside him

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You stopped at your tracks and cocked a brow as you watched him blankly before took a sit beside him. You yawned a few times wasn't sure of his intentions sitting there.

"Why are we sitting here?" You asked.

"No reason. Just enjoy the night's air." He replied softly with kind of teasing tone. You just nodded.

Minutes later of silence his voice broke it.

"I hate this.." He sighed and licked his dry lips before pushed his head to back.

"Hate what?" You asked sleepily.

You furrowed your brows turning your sleepy eyes to him. You were tired from doing Mrs Lee's task. The fact you were waking up early in weekend making you triggered but you had to do the project with him.

He stopped a seconds, hesitant to put out all his concern to you. But he kinda trust you, so he let it out.

"I hate how ridiculous on how emotionally attached I become to people who show no concern for how I feel, it's actually fucked up." He let out a lowly chuckled hanging his head low.

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