49: Monster

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We shouted together, clinking the cans and drank up as I treated them with chicken and coke. I grimaced feeling the bubble gas was going through my throat before let out a soft sound of relief at the refreshing taste.

"Wow, smells so good!"Dokyeom immediately took a chopsticks and took the chicken with his shining eyes.

"Thanks for the food, Haeun. I will eat well!" Minghao exclaimed and I nodded proudly.

"Woah! It's delicious because Haeun is paying. A perfect lunch for me." Seungkwan smiled at me.

"Go on, eat till you're full." I said and managed to catch Dokyeom's wrist when he tried to take another chicken when he didn't yet finish eating one in his hand.

"Yah. Hansol doesn't take one yet." I frowned while giving him a death glare.

Dokyeom smiled sheepishly as his eyes turned to eye-smile and turned to face Hansol, who was very focus texting on his phone.

"Hansol-ah! Stop looking at your phone, it doesn't make you feel stuff anyway!"Dokyeom grumbled cutely with his hungry face. Hearing that, Hansol finally snapped his head up with a blank face.

"Arasseo, I'm going to eat. I'm just texting with my sister." Hansol whined out while putting his phone aside.

I chuckled and shaking my head. Well, I knew that Hansol has a younger sister that he really loved but she's studying abroad and rarely come home.

"Eat up Chwe Hansol. You won't get another chance to be treated by this stinky girl in the future." Seungkwan said as he kept on changing the channel, his eyes didn't stray away from the tv.

I got annoyed at his words which caused my hand automatically grabbed the couch's pillow and threw it at him. He winced but still his eyes were focused on the tv.

"Yah! yah this is it! It's a KGC Insam Gongsa's volleyball match!" He screamed excitedly and I stopped from what I was doing.

"Do you like volleyball Seungkwan-ah?" I voiced out.

"He's a volleyball enthusiast if you want to know. A few days ago, he was lying and watching volleyball program at my house." Hansol informed me.

"I wish I can go to their match one day and see them playing in live." Seungkwan sighed dreamily with his hands clasped together tightly.

As we kept hanging out and having a chit chat, I noticed that the time was already late and this bunch of boys looked like they did not have any intention to go home.

"You guys are acting like there's no exam at all. That confidence of passing the exam is really high, right guys?" I commented sarcastically with a disapproval look, taking another crunchy drumstick in front of me and took a bite of it.

Seungkwan snickered loudly as if it was ridiculous and everybody looked at him , " That's really funny when Haeun is saying that. I still can't believe that you really care about your grade these days." He laughed and I saw all of them were agreeing to Seungkwan.

"It's scared me too. Miracle do really exist." Dokyeom voiced out.

"Seriously, guys?" I scrunched up my nose and rolled my eyes, sighing heavily. I mean, even myself couldn't believe it, how would they didn't right?

"Eyy, molla (I don't know)! We just live once, so why not." I got annoyed.

Minghao chuckled, "Haeun, don't mind them. Seungkwan is just feel threatened because of you."

"Me?" Seungkwan asked, almost challenging and Minghao nodded.

"I did not, hyung! Let's be more realistic. Why do I have to feel threaten? We're not even in the same grade." Seungkwan protested, somehow pouting and narrowed his eyes at Minghao, then at me.

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