20: Calamity

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"ALLLLRIGHT! WE ASDFGHJKL#$%/_-+?! HSKDBD WIN THIS FIGHTING!!!" Hoshi roared like a lion

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"ALLLLRIGHT! WE ASDFGHJKL#$%/_-+?! HSKDBD WIN THIS FIGHTING!!!" Hoshi roared like a lion.

"FIGHTIIINGGG!" Dokyeom cheered along due to which Vernon looked at them like he was about to lose hope in human sanity.

The8 laughed out loud, "As expected, our chant by Hoshi!"

"I don't understand any shit you're chanting." You commented and he smiled cheekily.

Its time for you to play basketball, as everyone got into their position. Your team would be competing with Dino's team.

Deafening whistle blew, as Coach Lim threw up the ball in the air, Dokyeom jumped and snatched the ball quickly before the opponent could touch it. He threw the ball to Hansol.

Hansol dribbled the ball on the floor for few times and slam dunk.

Then its started again, The8 saw you and passed you the ball which you blankly caught it. You looked at The8 then the ball and back to The8, as you confused for touching that ball for the first time.

More like, first time in three years.

You wondered where you brain had gone to, cause you didn't know what to do.

"Yah, pass it to me!" Hoshi yelled and you threw it to him.

Hoshi threw the ball in and got 3 points. They cheered loudly making you unconsciously clapped your hand and when DK noticed you, he grinned playfully.

"Focus Haeun, "He ruffled your hair running to the backcourt.

You rolled your eyes asking yourself why the hell you agreed to play, as you would always skip P.E class wasting your time at school rooftop.

At first, you was only like an observer inside the court as you only watching the others played. However you got triggered when the opponent team started to lead the score.

Vernon was dribbling the ball towards the ring when it being snatched away. You ran to Dino before slightly pushed him by your body causing him to drop the ball. You snatched the ball from Dino and immediately passed it to DK before he slam dunk.

You guys cheered and high five before did a group hug. As the game continued, your team kept leading the score.

In that case, Dino actually got frustated at one point that he yanked off the ball and yanked it to one of his teammate's chest, Jun.

The game start again with the ball in Dino's team hand. They tried so hard to go to goal area but always being blocked by the frontcourt, Minghao and Hansol.

You were waiting near the basket.

Dino was fighting dribbling the ball to escape from DK's guard. The8 also tried to block Dino.

Yet, Dino finally did while marching towards you with a smirk, the smirk that made you felt uneasy.

You hated to see his smirk, making you wanted to throw a brick to his face.

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