24: Ignored

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I woke up to Hoshi using my hair drier that so deafening and disturbing my peaceful morning without school.

"Just take it to your room, Hosh!" I grumbled sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh good morning princess! Today I want to look handsome, with this new hair colour!" He told me cheerfully while fixing his hair on the mirror.

I noticed he had changed his hair colour. I raised brows in amusement.

"Finally bruh, your chilly head is gone. But why blue?"

"Told you Haeun its not easy to get a handsome face with this blue hair." He grinned.

Uncle Jaehun knocked on my bedroom door, and came in.


"Yes, uncle?" I yawned, as I sat up in my bed. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand, whilst sleepily looked at him.

"You'll be working today too, right?" Uncle Jaehun asked staring expectantly at me.

Talking about uncle Jaehun, he bought me so much foods and even clothes as an apology to me. He really wanted turn me into pig with those snacks and junk foods.

I actually already forget what he did to me, you know having alzheimer at the young age was something rare.

I looked at the clock on the wall. I nodded as a reply.

"I'll drop you off there as I have to settle some things," he informed and left to downstairs.

"Aren't you already late to school?" I yawned and stretched my body.

Glancing towards Hoshi he looked at his watch. He shook his head.

"No, the teachers have meeting today so I can be late," He replied admiring himself in the mirror.

I scrunched my nose at him.

"No matter how many hours you look at it, you're still the same Soonyoung. You still ugly,"

"Yah! I know you jealous at me. Having a cool genius and awesome like prince cousin as me, i think you should proud to be part of my family, to be part of my blood, you ungrateful sleepyhead ,"

"Oh i'm sorry your majesty. I'm a sinner to.. " I trailed off looking at him,

he stared at me waiting for me to continue my words.

"-- to see your hideous face everyday in this house."

"I warn you to let you run and save your ass before I'll kick your head off from your neck," Hoshi menaced as he narrowed his eyes to me.

I almost didn't get to see his eyeballs as they turned into line.

"Oh I know you wouldn't do that," I shrugged. He rolled his eyes.

I grinned before crashed my face into his chest hugging him so tightly. He stumbled backwards a little due to my strong force.

"Because you love me so much!"

He gasped pushing my head away from him but my hand still wrapping his waist.

"Aahh!! I know you love me but get away you rude smelly cousin!! My uniform gonna wrinkles!" He shouted freakingly.

I tighten my gripped as he still wriggling to get me off from him.

"Don't you dare to wipe your morning saliva on my shirt koala!"

"That's the point actually ,huu!" I ruffled his hair.

The very hair that he had spend so much time to style it.

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