34: Pretty

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"So easy." You commented proudly.

The teacher was giving a piece of maths question paper to the students and it had to be done today. There were 10 subjective questions, and there was 30 minutes left before the bell ring, yet you already on your ninth.

You felt like a miracle happened to you when your brain was functioning so well these days.

As you finished, you cracked your knuckles and leaned on your chair, quietly looking people around you.

Today you felt less suffocated without the mask on cause your allergy finally had gotten well.

You noticed Hoshi was teaching other student , some of them doing the maths while chatting with their friends and the teacher busied himself grading the quiz papers.

Feeling bored, you rest your head on the table using your arm to support it.

You had just finally managed to fall to sleep when you heard a squeking voice disturbed you, you tried your best to ignore it but it became more irritated creeping up your throat.

The ugly voice of girl talking sent a whimper out of your throat, almost followed by curses.

You sluggishly look around the classroom, to find Somin was tugging on Mingyu's shirt and flirting, you let out a soft chuckle. It was Somin's voice.

"Mingyu, can you teach me this one? I got confused." Somin smiled being all flirty.

Mingyu's jaws ticked and he clearly showed his expression to Somin that he felt disturbed. But the girl did not get the message.

She kept bugging him that make him annoyed, if she was not a girl, Mingyu probably had punched her face.

"I also stucked at this question. You can go ask someone else." Mingyu coldly replied and continued his work.

"How about this?" Somin did not give up and asked the question that Mingyu seem had done.

"You can copy mine." He rolled his eyes and looked away only to meet the beautiful eyes he loved.

He gave you a small smile and you could not help but send him a quick smile before put your head down on the table trying to sleep as you had finished your work.

Little did you know, Somin watched your exchange with Mingyu.

"Sir! Haeun is sleeping in your class and not doing your work!" Somin snitched causing your eyes widened.

"Is it true miss Haeun?" The teacher looked at you with a sharp gaze.

Mr.Jang is one of the strict ass teacher that everyone afraid of. You also would not want to risk your life disobey his order.

A crept of breath left your lips as you felt ridiculous when Somin trying to make fuss with you as you did nothing to her.

"I've finished my work so I'm taking a rest, is that wrong sir?" You explained to the teacher but your eyes were staring at Somin coldly.

If gazed would kill, she might be 6 feet under the ground right now.

"She's lying sir! No way she could done it so fast. " Somin gulped trying to snitch again.

"What are you? A child?" You asked.

"Okay miss Haeun, detention-"

"Oh wait sir, Kim Haeun had done all the questions!" A guy sitting infront of you exclaimed as he took your paper.

Everyone was looking at Somin in disgust causing her to look down with fury.

"Ha Somin don't make assumption too early. I will let you slide this time." Mr. Jang warned shaking his head.

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