60: Decision

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    I pushed the trolley and looked around to search the ingredients listed on my phone. Jaehun, Hoshi and I went to groccerry shopping since we just realized the food stocks almost finished. Despite that, my uncle had to go back to his office to settle his work, and he would come back to take us later on.

"Are you sure these are enough?"

Hoshi lifted the packets of fries to me before he placed them on the cart, and I nodded.

"Uncle Jaehun still keeps on contacting the food and coffee supplier, we just adding some extra, and he said half of these, is for food in our house." I explained.

Hoshi pushed me lightly before taking over continued to push the trolley. I trailed beside him while checking the list again.

"What are you doing with Wonwoo on the other night?"

Hoshi's question caught me off guard, I looked at him with a bored expression.

"You still at it? I've told you. I went to buy ice cream and coincidently meet him. Is that a problem Hoshi?"

"Not really," He shook his head. " Just wondering if I should trust your word."

I cocked a brow, and stopped searching on the shelves as I was feeling confused at why he suddenly being so overprotective.

"What, am I a child now?"

"It's not the case, I just don't want something similar happen again. I won't sit back if someone breaks you heart again. Remember that." He said in serious tone, giving me a sideways glance.

"I think I have warned you before, not to mention about that again." I remarked as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, did you? When? What time?!" Hoshi gasped, obviously faking it. I gave him a stare.

"I witnessed how you got admitted into the hospital because of your anxiety. And I'm also aware that your past still affect you. So, it isn't wrong for me, as your one and only cousin, to care about you. Don't you think?"

Hoshi spoke calmly, his slit eyes shone with playfulness yet sincere. That's when I looked away in defeat.

Then, I tilted my head to the side, "But talking about this... perhaps, did someone come to visit me again at the hospital? After that day?" I asked curiously.

I frowned at the thought of it because my curiosity was slowly killing me. I wanted to find the missing puzzle in my memory because that dream seemed so vivid.

"I don't think so, no one come to visit until you discharged. Because our uncle had restricted anyone from coming. Why Haeun-ah?" Hoshi replied, pursing his lips.

He had found the specific instant tteokbokki he loved, and we strolled again to the snacks section.

"Ah- no. Maybe because of the drugs, my memory seems so fuzzy. I'm just confused with dream and reality." I shook my head a few times and exhaled a sharp breath, trying to forget the ridiculous dream.

Hoshi laughed when he witnessed me, " I think a box of ice cream can clear your mind, what flavor should we get?" He raised his brows, looking inside the big refrigerator.

With no time, a smile crept onto my lips, I quickly scooted beside him and took a box of Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie.

"What else do we need?" He asked, peeking to the screen of my phone and just like Hoshi said, I immediately shrugged the topic away.

"Well, we already have food for house, and.."I paused, eyeing the list carefully.

"Oh. Chilli. Chilli sauce!" I looked up at Hoshi as he rummaged through the items on the cart.

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