41: IQ test

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"Hyung, are you alright? Is your ankle alright? You keep spacing out ever since we got back from playing futsal last time." A voice stopped my train of thoughts.

I immediately pressed my lips into a line behind the mask.

"Yeah, I'm okay. My ankle is recovering so fast, thanks to Haeun." I smiled at the moment of Haeun treated my injury.

My heart pounded rapidly at the thought of Haeun.

"So, you've found your dream girl?" Dokyeom asked. We were both waiting for Haeun and other boys at the our usual table in the cafeteria .

"What do you mean?" I asked back, glancing at Dokyeom with brows raised.

"Your childhood friend. From what you had told us about her, I think Haeun and your friend shared same personality." He beamed me a look.

I did not know what to say, so there was a silence between us. I wished I could tell Dokyeom now that Haeun and my beloved childhood friend was the same person, and for me, it was my past lover.

I knew my friends would found it soon. When the right time comes.

"I don't know... with Haeun, I guess we are getting closer and I am happy around her." I said sincerely.

"I bet you feel the same right? You're always so excited around her. I mean, all of you." I added.

"She could make people happy and angry with her just own existence." Dokyeom said thoughtfully and we heard someone grumbling with so much annoyance.

I quickly recognized that voice.

"I swear, Hoshi. You make that sick voice again and you're dead. And Seungkwan ugh, I don't understand why did you agree with Mr.Kang again. It's not like-"

"Arasseo, just one day. I'm also a busy person you know." Seungkwan scoffed while Hoshi just chuckled.

"I think I'll be a pigeon the moment she stop triggering at people." Dokyeom sighed shaking his head as Haeun reached the table and took a seat.

I was trying to contain my laugh.

"Dokyeom! You are not trying to fight with me, right?" She fake a smile while gritting her teeth.

"Oooooh! They served your favourite food, bulgogi." Dokyeom quickly changed the topic when he saw the delicious meal on someone's tray.

Instantly, I saw Haeun's lips changed from a frown to a cheerful smile.

"Just because I'm starving, three of you are safe. " Haeun rolled her eyes and stood up from her seat to get in the line and take the food.

I chuckled at her quick change of emotions. How cute can she be..

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