51: Hae

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Emotional and sad stuff ahead


30 minutes ago..


Without saying anything, we started to walk to the hospital cafeteria naturally, I put down the breakfast box that Wonwoo gave on the table and the two sat with me after getting their coffee.

"Did you guys come together?" I asked, and looked at Mingyu and Wonwoo while chewing my food.

Mingyu gave me an awkward smile as he glanced at Wonwoo who next to me, " I was walking towards here when I saw him at the entrance."

Wonwoo nodded, and took a sip of his iced americano from the straw, placed it behind his mask.

"Was you rashes not getting better, Wonwoo? I think you should go see the doctor here. You're wearing that since awhile." I voiced out, gesturing towards the mask.

Wonwoo looked at me, surprised by my question. He put down his coffee on the table and cleared his throat.

"Ah- it's fine, it was for safety - I mean I get sick easily so I don't want it to be happened because I have my training."

I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah right, It'll be ashamed if our captain get sick." Mingyu mumbled, there was a hint of sarcasm in his voice which Wonwoo glared coldly at him

I snorted and shook my head while watching their behavior.

We fell into a comfortable silence for seconds, when a question arises in my mind, and thinking that this might be a good time to talk about it.

"Wonwoo, Mingyu,"

They hummed, diverting their attention from whatever in their mind to me.

"Why?" Mingyu asked.

"About last night . . . I know you guys are probably wondering what exactly is going on and trust me, I feel bewildered too. I just hope the incident don't get you a wrong idea of Haeun."

I explained. Mingyu seemed understand as he sighed while Wonwoo suddenly became stiffed in his seat.

"What... are actually things with her father in the past, Hoshi ?" Mingyu asked as he stared at me with mixed of concern and curiosity.

"No Mingyu, don't go there. It's not Hoshi's place to talk about this, and please Hoshi not bring it up anymore."

Wonwoo warned almost immediately, his voice sounded so defensive.

"I'm just worried, can't I be as her.. friend?" Mingyu somehow felt frustrated.

"You don't understand, Mingyu. I know she had gone through a lot after her mom died. I want her to live peacefully without worrying about her past and live like an ordinary girl now. Let bygone be bygone."

Mingyu became quiet, mentally agreed with his eternal enemy.

While I furrowed my eyebrows at Wonwoo's words. Because the way that Wonwoo acted really defensive as if he knew the whole truth.

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