3: Beginning

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Next day...

"Haeun-ah, there's order for table seven!" Hoshi shouted from the kitchen.

The cafe was quite busy in the weekend making me forced to work more and the worst thing was I have to smile from cheek to cheek all the time to the costumers. It made my mouth hurt. My face felt like it gonna ripped apart.

I did not even start my study in the new school. Uncle Jaehun forgot that its was Thursday when I moved into the house and its Saturday the day after Friday.

"Yes yesss!" I yelled annoyingly and rolled my eyes.

I hurried over to get the table seven's order before making my way over the table.

Taking a deep breath, smile fakely.

"Here's your order, sorry for the long wait" I said, as I set down the food and drinks to the table.

"Thank you!" A guy in chinese slang said.

I looked up to them to see a group of three handsome lad only but they had five sets of order. They smiled warmly to me.

My eyes fell on a the chinese look guy. His lips apart when he our eyes met each other. His face showed like he was in struck but my brain was too old to decipher anything further.

"Can I have another cup of cola?" A guy snapped us and I could heard the chinese guy coughed to cut the awkward atmosphere just now.

"Of course dude" I replied to the caucasian look guy.

I felt like I was in another country, this was too global for me.

"Vernon-ah, I think the emo guy will not enough with this fries."A guy looking a horse with a really pointed nose next left to me said.

"Oh, and one fries also"He added as he started slurping down the cola.

I was about to turn back to the counter when they called me again.

"Wait, yeah can you call Hoshi for me?"The chinese guy said making me triggered.

"Too much demand sir. Call him by yourself!" I snapped and left them.

"Yoona, one cola and fries" I told Yoona, the 26 year old modest girl that work as the waitress and chef. She nodded and immediately make the order.

I rested my arm at the counter while my eyes wandered back to bunch of handsome lad and saw Hoshi was making his way to them with a big smile.

After a while, Yoona gave me the order and I made my way over the table again which Hoshi was still there.

"Here," I put the order on the table making all of them looking at me and stopped talking.

"What?" I send Hoshi a confused look.

"Meet my cousin, Kim Haeun."He said with a lazy look.

"Is it necessary to introduce me to them?" I asked.

"Of course not. But Minghao insisted so I have to."He shrugged making out of trance.

I hit him using the tray on my hand. He yelped but tried to look cool infront if his friends. They laughed at Hoshi making him glared deadly at me.

"This is Minghao, Vernon and Dokyeom."Hoshi said and pointed to each of them.

"Too cute!"Minghao commented.

"Maybe she's cute but she still not my type"Dokyeom muttered as I smiled fakely to him while mouthed 'you want to die?'

"By the way where's Wonwoo?" Hoshi asked.

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