17: Miss

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Start the song at ® marked.

He is not that old man Jaehun you assumed to be, but it's Mingyu.

You poked his cheek but he didn't budge, his blank face suddenly crossed a smile. Big smile that showing his fangs out making you frowned. The smile kept getting wider and wider, his face started to rip out as his fangs became longer causing you to freak out and slapped his face hard. As you did that, his head cut off from his neck rolling down on your room floor. (A/n:sorry not sorry :'))

You pushed him off of you and got up from the bed. You thought back if you take any drugs before asleep that make you high like this but head was blank.

You were getting panicked , didn't know what to do, don't blame cause you literally stupid when you were awake from sleep. You saw the window was wide opened , you didn't want to die in this age yet you were not looking forward for what would happen to you if you stay cause the body without head started to move from the bed.

You inwardly cussed and jumped out of the window with eyes closing. However ,it took so long for you to reach the ground, 'what the fuck am I dead?when did i hit the ground' you thought.

Suddenly, you felt your body got splashed into a swimming pool causing you opened your eyes and gasped for air.

"Crazy woman, wake up!!" Uncle Jaehun shrieked, holding a bucket in his hand.

It took times for you to realized, you was actually only dreaming and got splashed with water. You looked around your bed that already wasted, drenched in water.

You wiped out your face,dumbfounded, "uncle Jaehun .. Hoshi... Wha-what are you guys doing!?!"

"Stop complaining. I wouldn't do this if you weren't locking yourself for two days and didn't wake up even the world end."

You were triggered, as you noticed your door had broken down. There was a hole on the door like it had been hammered down.

"Serve you right Princess.."Hoshi teased and laughed loudly. His eyes disappeared making him look like a hamster.

You raked your hair, before took a pillow and threw it to Hoshi as it land exactly on his face. He stopped laughing and stared at you with no emotion on his face. You rolled your eyes.

"And for your information, Hoshi's parents went back to Japan. So he'll stay with us here."Uncle Jaehun informed.

"Both of you get ready to work. I've been so kind to let you slided last week but not this time." Uncle Jaehun said sternly before going out of your room.

"Ughh shit. Fuck my life."You groaned.


The cafe was packed.

I was working, serving everyone with a fake smile.

After so much worked, I took a sweet rest time as I checked my phone, and Mingyu, Hoshi and the boys left so many messages and missed calls from two days ago until today.

You had 250 missed calls.

Yah! Why are you not going to school.
I told you i didn't have practice today.
I'm so lonely in class.
Pick up the phone Haeun.
Why are you ignoring me?
Did you still angry at me.
Yah woman, i gotta tell you something.
....57more messages....

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