6: Detention

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"Mingyu...?" I mumbled but still audible to him.

He turned to look at me with a lazy and sleepy expression before he smirked arrogantly when our eyes met.

"Gosh! What life is this?" I whined making all the students gazed shifted to me.

"Kim Haeun, any problem?" Mr.Kang asked.

"Hell- no. Everything's okay" I said as he nodded and excuse himself out from the class.

I sighed and place my head down on the table.

I felt omnious about this...



"MY PRECIOUS ASS!" You screamed as you stretched out your arms and getting up from 2 hours sit.

"What time is it now?" You asked but no one respond. You looked up to see a long empty hallway infront you. Exactly, talking to yourself again.

You dugged out your phone from the pocket to only find its was shutted down. While walking through the hallway you switched on the phone again and wait for it to start.

You were on your way out of the building when someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the back of the building.

A small yelped left your mouth when he pulled you too sudden and you know from his back it was Mingyu.

He pinned you against the wall while locked his eyes with you.

"Hey, Haeun or I could say Haneul?"

"What do you want freak?" you said calmly, as usually you will react agressive but you was not feeling up to it.

There was no point in screaming cause you knew there were no one in the school in this hour except for the troublesome students who got detention, like you.

"I can't believe this! Kim Haeun?" Mingyu looked at me.

"Me too. I even don't believe myself."

"Did you just lie to me about your name?" He hissed.

"What? Did you just trust the person who you met for the first time?" You betterly pouted crossing your arms.

"So your name is really Kim Mingyu" You were impressed.

"I never expect this would happen" He whispered in deep low voice , sending shivers down your spine.

"Expect what?"You acted dumb.

"I knew from the start that we'll see again"He said.

His face was only an inched with yours and if there was any movement from you, you guys probably would be kissing.

An absurd breath out your lips as you looked away,"Out of all school, why here?"

That moment when he chuckled and grabbed your chin so your face was facing him again.

"Some call it destiny and some call it meant to be. Which one do you prefer?" He asked while smiling arrogantly showing his canine tooth. Damn attractive..

"I prefer to kill that fucking for person who made it up. So now, get off my way! " You replied as you slowly to start snap out of your trance.

"You're no fun. I prefer both". He said.

"See my face carefully. Do I look care for that?" You pushed his chest.

"Hmm.. you quite pretty and cute but life is fair your personality is bad. Really bad."He commented checking on you up and down.

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