5: Unexpected

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"Kim Haeun, aren't you going to school today?" I heard uncle Jaehun's footsteps inside the room and felt he tugged my blanket.

"Aish, today is my first day of school. So I can be late." I mumbled with closed eyes still hugging my pillow.

"Your class will be over. Faster! Wake up! You're going to be late for your class." He said pulling the blanket away from me and finally getting me out of the bed.

"Go take a shower, I will drop you off" and he exited from my room.

With heavy eyes I slowly made my way to bathroom and took shower. After a few minutes, I went out and dress myself up with the school uniform that uncle Jaehun bought for me.

After finishing my breakfast, uncle Jaehun and I climbed into his car and headed to school.

"Don't make any ruckus on your first day, alright. Don't even think to run away like you did on the other day." Uncle Jaehun said, his tone soften keeping his eyes on the road.

I looked to the windows and replied boringly. "Tch, alright sir..."

We arrived in front of the school's entrance. I took some cash from uncle Jaehun and getting out from the car looking around the school's big building.

"Are sure that I don't have to send you to the office?" He shouted from the car.

"No, it's okay. I've been transfering school many times" I shrugged and smiled fakely whih he replied back with dad-smile making me snorted.

"Have fun!" He cheered and drove away.

However, as I entered the classes building area the discipline teacher was already there to 'eat' his fish (students) that arrived late to school.

"Stupid shark! Aish! Will he let me go since it's my first day?" I murmured as I stopped at my track and took a deep breath.

"Whatever, it's not like you a good student though"

"Do it right! Straight your arms up in the air!" He barked to the students which were boys doing the push-up position and the girls were kneeling while raising arms up.

I walked casually and passed him holding my breath.

Yeah god thank y-

I did not get to finish my thoughts when the teacher called me up.

"Oi, who are you?" I heard him half-hollered to me.

"Transfer student," I turned around smiling innocently.

"Ahh... Transfer student?! Okay, okay..Get down! Raise your hands up!"He commanded strictly.

I thought he was going to let me go.

"Wait wh-"

"No excuses!" He cut me off.

I just softly groaned as I kneeled down on my bare knees as I was wearing damn school skirt and obediently raised my two hands up in the air.

I used to this kind of shit, not new to the feeling.

"Yah punk! Come here!" I heard the shark yelled again. "Who are you?"

"Jeon Wonwoo," A low deep voice replied making me to glance at him as I didn't believe my ears.

Why do I kept hearing that name these days? The name used to be too familiar.

The guy had brownish hair, his back figured was intimidating tall and fit in that sports uniform.

But I didn't get to see the guy's face as his back was facing me.

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