33: Fall

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"I told her I'm dating you

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"I told her I'm dating you."

I was shooketh and blankly stared at him not knowing how to react.

"Why the fuck it has to be me?" I sighed, facepalming myself.

He slightly chuckled.

"What if..." He took a step closer towards me, "we date for real?"

He kept walking closer and I kept taking steps backwards until my back pressed against the wall. He trapped me by his hands and smirked locking eyes with me.

I didn't fluster but played along with his game, I knew he would lost to me. I smirked.

He brought his face closer and closer to mine, and I couldn't move anymore. I was somehow taken aback at how bold he could be at sudden.

We basically sharing breath, as he stared down at my lips. His lovely looking eyes amusedly sparkled in the dark, it shone with the help of road yellow light.

"Tell me, what if I am falling for you?" He added in seductive tone.

I tried to push him from trapping me but he just held my hands tighter.

"Kim Mingyu, st-stop playing." I huffed and he smirked.

"Are you... blushing?"

"What, no." I replied quickly and he let my hands go.

"Did I get the ever stoic , cold , total badass Haeun to blush?" He teased me and I cupped my face trying to get expressionless.

"It's the cold. Quit it, it's not funny." I was getting angry when he grinned and I headlocked his head.

"Haeun Haeun okay! Stop choking me!" He coughed. I let him go and glared at him crossing my arms.

"Somin is just so annoying. Ever since she sit beside me, I don't know where is the peace had gone. The best way to stop her was just this."

"You think she's gonna get persuade?" I sighed.


"I don't think she will give up and believe you."

"Why won't she believe me?"

"This fucking tall idiot man.." I closed my eyes trying to calm down.

"It's impossible for you to fall in love with such depressed person like me. I wasn't pretty or kind to start with, as I told you before everyone will hate me," I said.

"I don't think so..."He mumbled.

"Mm?"I questioned.

"Aniya. I'll leave now. Thanks for having me over," He said and ruffled my hair.

"Aish!!"I swatted his hand and tidying up my hair.

He was walking backwards waving goodbye to me, and I was about to walk away when he suddenly stopped me.

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