16: Past

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A/N: Start the music to get the feel.

"The name sounds familiar isn't? The one who was calling Hoshi on the phone just now."

You looked away, having that far away look in your eyes along with hurt, pain and empty as you pocked the inside of your cheeks with your tongue.

Your heart tighten, you didn't know why the question affected you so much.

Like a flash, all the memories ran over your head. you felt your stomach knot when it came into your mind after so much year you got over it.

You brows knitted together, you shut your eyes close, while taking a deep breath which make you lessen up a little.

" Of course uncle, ...... Hoshi always told me about his friends, so it's quite familiar." You looked at him, pretended to be clueless.

Uncle Jaehun's lips turned into a thin line,"Haeun-ah that's not what i mean."

"Uh? So what did you mean by that?" You acted dumb.

"I know you knew what i meant Haeun." Uncle jaehun remarked.

"No,i'm not." You shook your head.

"We both know you're lying." He sighed.

"What is the point? He's Hoshi's friend and of course I always heard that name." You pointed out.

"The same name that makes you rather being a crybaby you chose not to and lost that smile. Right?" He questioned softly, his lips flitting into a small, sad smile.

"Uncle, don't bring this matter up. " You sighed in defeat.

"Kim Haeun,"He started.

"You know how much happy I'm to see you open up again with people. It surprised me when you're getting along with the boys." He smiled.

"There's a light in your eyes when you hang out with them just now especially with Mingyu. It was rarely happened to you." He explained making you frown.

"It never happen uncle. And if it was really happened, I'm still gonna hate my life." You rolled your eyes.

"Listen, don't waste your time on remembering and regretting your past. Quit being discouraged over something that already happen." He said softly.

"I knew that after your mom deceased you got nothing but him. But, I hate witnessing you took so much pain when that name was mentioned. I clearly saw how your mood changed. " He informed.

You clenched your hands on the pillow tightly until both of your knuckles became pale like there was no blood inside you.

"Shut it uncle,"You tried to calm yourself.

"He left you almost three years ago, why don't you get over it?"

"I don't know myself ! I also thought I had accepted that damn reality!" You yelled but regret it shortly as you heaved a sigh.

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