32: Dating

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"Can you make me something to eat?"

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"Can you make me something to eat?"

A dead silence filled up the living room. You stared at him with puppy-eyes as you were hungry as fuck, waiting for a response.

Mingyu immediately quieted down, somehow flabbergastered with your sudden request. He wondered how come you could easily changed the mood and topic just like that.

He looked at you hopelessly then flicked your head causing you to wince.

"Haeun, I'm gonna strangle you." He menaced.

You wandered your eyes around the living room, thinking about what you just had done.

"But I'm a little hungry though... look, I have money but I am lazy to call delivery, and I knew I might get stomachache as soon as I decide to cook for myself," You explained.

He let out a sigh before raked his hair to the back. You kept on looking at him hoping he would stand up and cook for you.

Mingyu looked depressed, and harshly took out his phone from his pocket making you to flinch.

"You better be grateful when I actually trust your cooking skills more than Uncle Jaehun." You added innocently causing him to content himself not to look so happy hearing that.

"Stop making lies Haeun." He seethed.


The doorbell rang and you ran over to the door.

You took the pizza delivery Mingyu ordered and immediately placed it on the dining table.

"Are we celebrating something? You ordered so much food." You stared the pizza's boxes , spaghetti , baguettes and mushroom soups on the table, and then back to Mingyu.

"It's for you and as my apology, and also... "

"Thanks for the food!!" You cut him off making him growled.

"This new menu is delicious, have some more." Mingyu kept putting food in your plate. He seemed really enjoy eating with you.

You held the bowl of spaghetti in your hands and suddenly asked, "Mingyu, why did you get upset to see me with Jeonghan?"

His hands quivered, he knew what you were asking about.

"I had to take my time to actually find out why you're behaving like that, But I still don't get it. Just because I don't understand, doesn't mean I don't care." You added, tilting your head to the right.

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