15: Gang

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And because you're stubborn, big head, stupid and dumbass hoe, you decided not to take a rest like Mingyu insisted, instead you went downstairs to watch TV with them after a shower

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And because you're stubborn, big head, stupid and dumbass hoe, you decided not to take a rest like Mingyu insisted, instead you went downstairs to watch TV with them after a shower.

It was past 7pm and you was on the phone talking with uncle Jaehun while sitting on the couch. Hoshi sat next to you while Mingyu took another sofa.

Hoshi had questioned Mingyu overstay at your house as Hoshi curious as fuck why did Mingyu took a lot of effort to take care of you.

It made Mingyu broke into cold sweats but Mingyu told him that he had to come to get the notes from you he had missed due to practice, causing Hoshi stopped faze much about it.

But, its all lied.

He just wanted to be with you.

"Kwon Hoshi! You're done when I got home later!" Uncle Jaehun hollered on the other line. You put it on loud speaker so everyone could hear.

He was still at his office doing his over time work, he worried about you fainted at school however he could not escape from his work.

"I'm sorry hyung!" Hoshi cried, puffing his cheeks.

You rolled your eyes. "It's nothing ,ugh stupid uncle,"

Uncle Jaehun huffed, as his sharp intake of breath could be heard, "Kim Haeun you! --'beep' "

You ended the call abruptly making Hoshi and Mingyu to snort.

"He's just exaggeratting over this.." You commented in annoyance.

You suddenly heard the doorbell ringing, making you frown. You were about to get up but Hoshi beated you to it.

When Hoshi opened the door, you were greeted by excited faces causing you to push your head to the back.

They were Dokyeom, Hansol, and the Jeju boy, Seungkwan. Dokyeom and Hansol were carrying a lot of plastic bags full of food, beverages and snacks.

"Bullshit, what are you guys doing here?!" You grumbled rudely, getting up from the couch.

" To visit you!" DK replied innocently showing his eye smile, before went to the kitchen with Hansol.

"Seungkwan-ah!" Mingyu greeted his best friend, jumping over the couch.

You scowled at Seungkwan, "Why are you here?"

You had met Seungkwan few times before, he was from class next door and you learned him as a hilarious boy yet has a beautiful voice.

"Yah! I invited them to come here," Hoshi glared at you, as you sounded rude to Seungkwan.

" Um, hi. Hoshi hyung asked me to come along." Seungkwan laughed awkwardly, waving at you.

"Let's make a party since everyone is here, you don't mind right Haeun?" Hoshi laughed cheekily.

"This is fucking stupid!" You grumbled under your breath, walking to the kitchen to drink water.

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