12: Nightmare

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Your irises grew wider when met hers ,pool of tears starting to form in her eyes.

Your mother, with her bloodyshot eye and a timid smile on her face, looked older, plainer and weaker. Her eyes fulled with guilt, sadness and at the same time happy, to see you.

"You're doing good my darling,"she caressed your hair with genuine tenderness.

All you wanted to do were to hug and hold her tightly. You miss her so much, so much. But you were in pain cause your legs and arms could not move a bit, it made your heart ached like being sliced using knife.

"I love you...." She softly muttered after a paused.

You remembered that quite a little time ago she always spelled those three words and had listened it with pride ; and now you could not remember those things. Everything that came into your mind was so feeble and useless.

All at once you broke into hysterical tears. You tried to say something , but could not utter a word– you gave a sob closed your eyes looking down. Letting the tears falling down freely on your cheeks.

Suddenly, you felt like being pushed hardly from behind as you fell on your knees. Slowly opening your eyes to only found yourself in a dark house causing you confused as hell.

The stained-tears was still visible on your cheeks. The entire house was stuffy as hell, as your breath got heavier every time you walked finding your way out. You walked further in the hall to come across a door. Pushing it open, you stepped inside the room.

You suddenly stumbled on something and you looked at it to be frozen in place. It was not something but someone you knew, the shock was too much to take in.

That moment, you felt tears rolling down your cheeks again, you just wanted to get rid this memory out of your life. It was the moment when you want to throw yourself away from the earth– your own eyes witnessed ,your dad killed your mother.

You clutched at your hair and bursted into sobs.

"Mom?!" You shook her but to get no response, you shook her harder and cried out but it seems like there was no sound coming out from your vocal chords.

"Mom WAKE Up!" Inside you screamed, shaking her. But she laid there emotionless.

Her face smeared in blood and you saw blood oozing from her stabbed stomach.

"Mom please don't leave me." You managed to whisper crying holding her hands in yours, hoping she would wake up and tell this was all prank.

"Please..." Your breathing came uneven as the thoughts flowed.

"Haeun-ah!" A voice entered your ears, and you felt being shaken by your shoulders.

"Haeun-ah! Kim Haeun!" You recognized the worried voice. It was Mingyu.

You felt someone hold your hand.

"Focus on my voice." He spoke soothingly and you did.

Immediately, you opened your eyes and sat up straight with a loud gasped left your mouth. You panted loudly remembering the pain from the dream, it was heartbreaking.

This sometimes happened to you, you will be dream of your mother's death and woke up alone in your room.

Clutching your heart, it took sometimes to realize that you fell asleep on the couch just now, and it was already evening.

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