67: Favourite girl

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Haeun-ah you'll come right?

Aish Seungkwan. On my way now.

Arasseo. tell me if you've arrived.

As promised, I wouldn't want to disappoint Seungkwan's mother as she had invited me to eat dinner at her house. Seungkwan told me how excited his mother was when he told her that I agreed to come.

Before going to his house, I went to uncle's cafe to take a cake for Seungkwan's mother as it wouldn't be good to just come with empty handed. That's what Uncle Jaehun said.

He was the one who called Jeonghan to pack a cake from the cafe.

My phone suddenly rangs, signalling an incoming call. I picked up the call while entering the the cafe.

"Welcome~Ohh! Haeun, you are here!" Jeonghan greeted and I waved my hand at him. He nodded knowing what I intended to do.

"Yaa it's okay. I can go home by myself later." I snickered at Wonwoo who was over the line. As always, his over-protective mode was no better with Hoshi.

"But, it's going to be late at night, Hae-ya... You know how scary this world can be. The last thing I want is for you to get in danger." He nagged cutely making me sighed in defeated.

"Arasseo.. I'll call you later. That isn't so bad after all, we can go to arcade after that." I smiled softly as I heard Wonwoo cheered on the other line.

After the call ended, I was zoned out for awhile, trying to register the situation I had made slowly, and when I did, I felt my chest tightened weirdly. As if every time and each seconds from now on was so precious to me.

But anything, I was happy with my decision. That's for the best.

"Wah, you cut your hair?" I came to the counter and  saw Jeonghan's hair was a bit different from last time I saw him.

Jeonghan grinned, "Yeah.. I'm going to continue my study again."

"That's good!" I exclaimed before my smile turned upside down. "So, you will quit working here?"

"Yeah... It's my sister's will. And I can't let her down." Jeonghan sighed a little with a hint of sadness.

I knew he was having a hard time while taking a break from study as it was his was dream to pursue medic. He cared his sister so much that he put his dream aside for her sake. I couldn't help but feel proud at him to make such hard decision.

"Well, I know how much you love your sister, Jeonghan. Work your ass off to make her proud." I said and Jeonghan chuckled.

"I will."

"And I hope you won't forget about me when you have succeed later," I added in whisper to myself, letting out a weak smile.

"Why would I forget you, rascal? We can still meet each other though.." He asked, concern visible in his eyes. I flinched as I didn't expect he would hear me.

"and how would I forget a co-worker who called me by the wrong name for first week of working here." Jeonghan jested which I rolled my eyes at him.

"Still, you must be busy later. Ahh, I don't want to get late. My cake?" I told him, glancing at the clock on my phone.

"Oh, wait. I'll take your cake." Jeonghan quickly went to take the cake from the back and slided towards me on the table.

"Where are you going? Date?" He raised his brows teasingly. I gaped at him when he wasn't filled in with the news.

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