38: Now

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   The heat beated down on you. Sweat ran down your templed as you wiped it off and squints your eyes in the light of the day. You went to the toilet to freshen up.

After stalling, you washed hands and looked your appearance on the mirror. Your hair was a mess and your shirt had ridden up. And not forget pain in your lower abdomen when the period cramp attacked again.

You were not completely healed from the cramp and still exhausted and tired basically because of the emotion you felt for the past days.

You tied your loose hair into a loose braid. As you wore your black cap back, a small smile formed on your lips reminiscing one who gave you the cap causing you to gasp horrifically.

I thought I've forgot about that, you thought.

It's nothing new actually, when the heartbreak started gnawing at you insides, even when Uncle Jaehun's words made their way into your mind.

You had told him about how you'd been admitting that Wonwoo's sudden leave was because he was sick of you, and whenever Aunt Lee said about Wonwoo  and his mother hating you, that you found it not so wrong with that.

Uncle Jaehun said that it's normal to assume like that as you only closed with him - but no one knows the real reason why. Admitting to an unfactual assumption should not make you felt like that.

But you still did, maybe because you- no.

You shook your head and groaned.

You thought of how stupid you were to add another mess as such thing when someone just kissed and confessing to you just now. You just hope no one knows about that. You couldn't risk the embarrasment.

Your insides felt weird and the backache. Period cramp became more painful. You didn't have anything with you to get change. You cursed inwardly and decide that you would have to ask uncle Jaehun to go back home as soon as he could. Plus, you really wanted to get the hell out from the crowdness.

You took a last glance at yourself before walked to where Uncle Jaehun was. He was with boys at the audience seats stage.

"When will they start!!! Where is the director now? Aigoo why does he get caught in traffic at this very moment huh?! Just start the race without him!" Seungkwan complained loudly as main event was delayed.

"There's my girl!" Uncle Jaehun exclaimed as soon as he saw you. "Have you eaten anything yet?"

You sat next to him and touched his forearm lightly. "Umm.. uncle, I  need to go home. Like really." You whispered.

"Why? But answer me first, have you eaten yet?"

You shook your head, "I don't feel up to eat."

"Yah! It's already past lunch time, you even didn't take any breakfast. You've not eaten a proper meal since last two days!" He seethed and hit your arm few times making you winced.

"Aish arasseo old man, that's why I ask you to take me home!" You snapped, your voice loud.

Vernon and Dokyeom who were eating hot bar turned to look at you. Seungkwan startled and spit water from his mouth as he was drinking. Hoshi's eyes widened and people started looking.

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