42: Forever

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"How did you know that? I never told anyone about my IQ test." You spoke.

Wonwoo dropped his smile, suddenly looking so nervous and flustered as he kept spinning the pen in his hand. He ignored meeting your eyes, like he was guilty of something.

"And, the last time I took my IQ test was in middle school. Perhaps, are you....."

You narrowed eyes at him causing Wonwoo broke in cold sweats.


"Are you just expecting me to be genius like Soonyoung?"

A few seconds passed, you gave him a pointed look as Wonwoo was still in silence.

Wonwoo wanted to laugh at you because you were so naive although you acted cold. There was never in his mind to think like what you had assumed to be. Truth to be told, he was the only person that knew about your IQ test.

But, he did not give his thoughts or else he would mess things up. Instead, Wonwoo rejoiced because you provided him a way to run from his slipped mouth.

Wonwoo opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when the lecturer stood up to continue the learning again. You were back to focus in the class but not Wonwoo.

He spotted your notebook and pulled it towards him to write something. Catiously, he made sure the lecturer had his back on them before tapping your arm lightly.

You raised your brow, "Hm?"

Wonwoo tapped on the noteback twice, glancing at you and quickly looked at the board. You read what he wrote,

"So, you're not?"

Confused, you wrote a reply.

"Not what?"

Wonwoo saw it and smiled. He wrote again.

"Because I thought you have a better IQ test score as you're Hoshi's cousin. His brilliant gene must be in yours too."

You were about to read it when he added another message.

"But so sad, the gene decided not to choose you ㅠ.ㅠ ."

After reading it, you huffed and glared deathly at him.

The class dismissed and everyone started to head back home. The whole building was so loud as students from other classes also have ended their class.

You shoved all the books inside your bag. You had never liked crowded places so were taking the time until the crowded lessen.

"You must be hated the crowd that much, don't you?" Wonwoo asked as both of you stepped out of the academy. He chuckled behind his hand while looking down.

A breath crept left your mouth. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "Woah, the boys really tell you everything about me. It's so freaking annoying. "

Wonwoo startled, but kept his composure. He could not really say that no one tell him about that because he already knew it since years ago.

"Wanna stop by coffee shop?" Wonwoo asked instead.

"As far as I'm concerned, we're not that close to have a coffee together, Jeon Wonwoo.." You blurted out without thinking. You looked at Wonwoo when you heard no response.

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