30: Feeling

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"it's a week before...."

You mumbled looking at the calender apps in your phone. You locked your phone bringing your legs to your chest then put your chin on top of your knees.

It was midnight yet you were enjoying the night breeze at the balcony. The vivid memory suddenly ran into your mind...

"Dad! I'm sorry I'm wrong!" You sobbed histerically begging to your father.

"YOU NEVER HEAR ME WHEN I WARNED YOU TO GET HOME BEFORE ME! You must get home before me and prepare our food! I'm so tired working in hot day and I need rest but you! Daughter of a bitch! Why did you force me to do this!!! " The man you called father pulled your hairs and your head snapped to the back.

Tears continuosly ran down your cheeks.

"I will not do it again... I-" You stopped abruptly by a hard slap landed on your cheek. For a few times, you beared it while holding your cry.

Your father finally stopped but still handfully grasping your hairs. He breathed , then crouched down after you. He held your face with his free hand. The reek of alcohol entered your nostrils, he was drunk.

You avoid his gaze, sobbing.

"You're the misfortune in this house! You know how much you trouble people around you?! Ungrateful jerk! I let you live with me so do what I told you!"

He stared at you before release the grip and stood up. 'Fucking asshole ! Bullshit' and other curses word ever exist out from his mouth. He yelled in anger and kicked your stomach before left.

That's the turning point of your life, you chose not to cry for that hoe, it
not even worth anything.

You were amazed how you still can be alive when living in that misery. It was brutal for you to recollect that painful memory.

As you deep in your own world, a light knock on the slide door making you flinched and back to reality.

You turned your head towards the door to only see your uncle just coming home from work.

"It's late Haeun, why aren't you getting sleep yet ?" He asked you softly leaning on the frame door.

"I don't feel sleepy yet," You replied with a faint smile to your uncle.

He smiled like a father looking at you, "Arasseo, but don't being outside for too long. You'll catch cold." He said before sat beside you.

He took a deep breath, then heaved a loud sigh. You knew something's not right.

"Did office troubles you so much?" You asked curiously.

"Seems so, I have to do hundreds of reports and paper works. I don't know why my boss suddenly demand so much. That's not included my works to manage the cafe." He sighed, massaging his temple.

"I'm sorry I can't help you with anything." You said lowly which softened him.

"I don't hear you, can you say it again?" You knew he was teasing you.

"You're not deaf." You huffed and rolled your eyes.

Uncle Jaehun chuckled, at the same time thinking you were cute. "Okay okay, at least you can show me, you have that soft side."

"Hmm, whatever. " You hummed, staring the floor blankly.

He frowned, "You know, sometimes you need to let out everything you had kept inside."

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