23: Suspiscious

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"I'm going to stay here until you asleep," Mingyu said sitting on the floor. He leaned his back on the edge of bed.

"I'm afraid you'll kill me in my sleep." You pouted whispering weakly.

"Good you know, i'll let you make your last wish," He said.

"i know you hate me," You mumbled. He turned to look at you.

"For being friend with your dad," You added cocking brow and let a soft chuckle.

"Tch, just sleep woman," He demanded as he scrunched up his nose, showing his annoyed face to you before got up.

He closed the window and curtain so there was no a single lights in your room, so that you could rest well. He turned the air condition down into a bearable coldness before sat back. He switched on the table lamp giving a dim light filling in the room.

Mingyu rested his head on the edge of the bed next to your hand, playing with his phone.

You playfully pulled his hair making him yelped.

"Ack! Yah Haeun ssi," He furrowed his perfect sculpted brows.

You weakly left a soft chuckled as you shook your head. His frown almost immediately disappeared as he heard your babyish giggle. He could not help but his heart skipped a beat.

"Don't do that. My heart gonna explode," Mingyu commented placing his hand on his chest that beated faster.

You were off guard and stopped smiling like a seizure patient before fake a coughed and looked away. He smirked.

"I know you have a lots of your playful side to show me Kim Haeun, I'm curious what's really you back then before you becoming so cold,"

"You better not know,"

"Yeah because i imagined something worst,"

You snickered,"Worst or not, people around me will hate me,"

"Why do you think everyone hates you?" He raised a brow.

"Cause they leave me alone at the end of the day," You replied slowly.

He stared at you blankly and you felt uncomfortable with it not knowing how to react.

"Anyways, congrats to get into the national race." You quickly changed the subject and slowly sat up on the bed.

You leaned your back on the bed's board hugging your knee under the soft blanket.

You could see his face lit up when you congratulated him. He liked to hear it from you. It meant to him that you have sliver thought of care to him.

He wrapped his arms placing it on the bed and rest his chin on it, smiling. You couldn't help but smile a little.

"Yah, all of that because of my lucky charm," He emphasized the word my.

"Um... I heard you did two false mistakes - " You sneezed, ".. but managed it in the end, didn't I told you I bring bad luck?"

"I was right then. You're stalking on me." He commented proudly.

"Nahh... ain't got time for that." You scrunched your nose shaking your head.

"Girls in our class were spamming the chatroom like crazy. It just so-so but nevermind, you improved at least," You said, sneezing again.

Mingyu used his long hand to pull a box of tissue from your study table, then he pulled a tissue to give it to you. You immediately wiped your runny nose.

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