66: The Favour

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"Is it because of him?" Wonwoo quietly asked. There was a tone of sadness and bitterness in his voice.

Mingyu's face came into your mind just when he asked you that. A bittersweet feeling attacked you as whole. That's what you hated. To feel something that you think you didn't deserved at all.

"No," You breathed. "It's because of myself. I wasn't good enough."

You took courage to look at him straight in the eyes. His handsome feature dropped darkly. When you could not handle his disappointed gaze anymore, slowly you engulfed him into a hug once again.

"I'm sorry, Wonwoo," You apologized softly, "I don't want to hurt you, but I have to be honest. You still have a special place in my heart. I won't never forget what we had together, it was so precious for me."

Wonwoo was quiet again, surely it wasn't the answers that he wanted, it was expected. You could feel yourself trembling again. You refused to see his pained expression.

Slowly, you could feel he hugged you back, tightening the hug. He closed his eyes in great remorse. Both of you stayed like that for a few minutes before breaking the hug.

"It's cute that you tried not to hurt my heart and all, but this way making me even harder to let you go, you know?" He teased. You blinked your eyes like a lost child at him, perplexed.

"Are you alright with it, Wonwoo?"
"I'm not."

He rubbed your tears away from your cheeks. You looked up at his face with a frown as his reply didn't match his action. You knew he genuinely was not okay with it.

"But, if I could see you again, I don't care if I lose my everything..." He trailed off and let out a satisfied smile.

"Maybe it's the price I have to pay for what I had done to you."

Wonwoo looked at you with his handsome smile, and you felt somehow relief that he looked happy.  At that moment, you didn't know how to put your thoughts together about Wonwoo.

Even though it hurt as hell to know all the painful truth, after three whole years of being clueless about his whereabouts, at the moment somehow you felt a certain tranquility. It couldn't be called as happiness, it was more to a peace settlement in your heart.

Because you finally got all your questions answered.

But at the same time, you did not know until what extent of sacrification Wonwoo would willing to make for you, knowing that he was hurting himself too.

Still in tears, you let out your significant smirk and stared into his eyes.

"Your eyes tell so much, Wonu-ya. They show what you are feeling inside. You don't need to put on this charade with me. I know you very well." You said adamantly in confirming his feeling. He shook his head, not taking you seriously.

"And I also know you inside and out, Hae-ya." He replied him with same energy as you, genuinely meant it all.

"Tch, don't cry. You look ugly."

"You make me like this, bastard. And you cried too just now!" You groaned causing him to chuckle.

"Hae, congrats. I heard about your result." He ruffled your hair, quite roughly that your hair became a mess the next second. You  glared at him.

When he saw that, Wonwoo let out a deep chuckle.

"You shouldn't blame your uncle completely about this, you know. Because I'm also the coward who can't approach you earlier. Don't looked down at uncle Jaehun's sincerity. He did the best he could for you."

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