50: A mess

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It was him. The monster that appeared in my nightmares. It's his voice that brought the strongest trauma and darkest past in me. For a moment, Mingyu took in my terrified expression and slowly he caught the situation nervously, as though he barely have any idea of what had happen in my life, except if he already knew everything from Hoshi as I assumed to others.

I slowly turned around to the source of the voice coming from the door. And there, I saw him... The person I had already thought as stranger in my life..

My father.

"Haeun-ah," He called my name softly like a fucking hypocrite.

"I don't know who you are." I demanded with a low tone as I looked away.

"Haeun-ah, it's me your father. Aren't you miss me?" He asked kindly while taking steps forward to get close with me. It didn't cause any comfort to me, in fact, it only disgusted me even more.

"Let's stop pretending, ahjussi." My voice was heavy and clipped, I refused to look at him.

"It seems that your wife didn't give my message for you. You are now a stranger to me, like what you wanted."

"What nonsense you're talking? You're still my daughter and I'm still your father."

His words got me baffled as I snapped my head to observe his expression. It was like he was miserable but I knew it was all fake. He took another steps forward again.

"Stop right there at this instant! I don't want you to get near me!" I yelled fiercely, highly frustrated.

Then, I saw my father's step halted abruptly. At the same time, I could sense that everyone was looking at me with same expression, worried and feared.

I bit my lips out of frustration just at the mere thought of my friends witnessing me losing my temper and being so vulnerable like this. I swore I was about to kick them out along with my father right now, but I just realized that I won't able to do that.

"Do not lie to me. You are worst than the evil. Go away from my sight. I don't want to see you."

My hand balled into a fist as I shutted my eyes closed. The surrounding suddenly felt as though it was spinning when I opened my eyes. With a hammering headache and tightness in my chest, I found myself hard to breath.

The very last person that I was expecting to see hit me like a massive truck. I could not stable my breath back. Panic and pain bubbled in my chest as I clutched my chest and forced my weak legs to keep standing.

"Uncle Kim, I think you should not come here. Please get out from here." Hoshi said serenely with a cold stance as he went standing in front of my father, hiding me behind of him.

"Is that you, Soonyoung? Right, don't be like this Soonyoung-ah. I just wanna see and talk with Haeun." My father spoke in an attempt calm and heading towards me again while trying to shove Hoshi out of his way.

"Ahjussi, just stop it. You heard it, she doesn't want to see you!" It was Wonwoo who tried to confront my father.

And I bet it did pushed a nerve on him.

"Who are you to get involve? Get off from my way!! Yah!! " He raised his voice and growled, his kindness was no longer there as his face became grim in anger.

I glanced up to him under my sharp and intense gaze. A crepth of breath left my lips, scoffing at his desire to act nice but he failed anyway.

Right, it was the real him.

"Let me go young man!" My father shouted as Wonwoo blocked him by tugging on his arm

I saw he tried to hurt Hoshi and Wonwoo and it pained me. I couldn't let them get hurt just to save me from that monster. I had gotten enough from him.

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