9: Project

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"I'm sorry Haeun-ah, I've got to go." Uncle apologized as he could not make it to bring us out.

His damn fudging CEO suddenly arranged an unplanned meeting for three days in Busan cause they have been offered a big tender to expand their business or whatever shiteu for the company.

"Nah..It's fine.." I told him.

Not minding anyway cause I never went out with my parents before, I'm used to it.

"We'll go out this weekend alright? Hoshi will sleep over to accompany you." Uncle reassured me with his smile while busy putting his luggage into his car.

"I don't need an accompany uncle, I'm used to be abandoned remember?"

"It's different, you have Hoshi and me now so keep it on mind,okay?"He said softly making me rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I'll just go to bath first. Just tell him to enter the house." I informed and he nodded.

He was about to climb into his car when he stopped and looked at me, "Ah- Don't get detention again or fight with Hoshi he is your brother, bye princess!"

"Princess?"I cocked an brow.

He grinned, "I heard Hoshi called you that. Goodbye!"

"Yeah, so sweet of him..."I mumbled sarcastically as uncle Jaehun started the engine and drove off.


"Yah, why you keep bugging me these days?" I sighed as Hoshi entered my room and took a sit on my bed

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"Yah, why you keep bugging me these days?" I sighed as Hoshi entered my room and took a sit on my bed.

I was sitting on my study table doing some homework– but more like playing game on my phone.

"I'm just happy to see my princess- I mean cousin. I've been the only child when I was in Japan with my family. So, when I met you, I think you as my sister so I don't have to be lonely again." He pouted plopping himself on my bed.

"You must be crazy. I'm not that kind and nice like Somin (the girl that called Hoshi cutely at the cafeteria)  for you to say that." I said causing him to chuckle as his eyes disappear.

"Yah. Didn't you should be happy for that?"He asked.

"No."I answered shortly.

"Yahh! Ah, you're really a depressed bad girl. If my friend Wonwoo see you i bet I will change my hair colour. He must fall for you."

"He once told me that he used to has a friend at his hometown and he said that although the girl is bad in her character he loves her for what she is." He added.

"Tsk, stop talking nonsense. who's Wonwoo anyway?" I asked not bothering to look at him as I tried to do my homework.

My eyes glued on my maths workbook, my brain seems not functioning for a minute or lost. I wondered, where my brain has gone to.

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