55: Special

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"What is it? I will tell you everything!" I said desperately.

"I thought you don't wanna tell anyone about us," Mingyu wondered and stopped on his track. His hands unconsciously were supporting me now as he piggy back me in proper way.

I did a little thinking, "Hmm, yeah. Uncle Jaehun might kill you."

"He will kill me?" He gasped.


"You.. and Mingyu.. has a thing?" His voice came out breathy.

"No!" I replied him almost immediately, while my brain was busy working to make any lies. "I mean no, this is not only from him. The boys gave me together and I put in one bag."

"You really meant it right? I won't let them go easily if they ever tried to have a thing with you." He warned, and I licked my lips.


I tilted my head to look at him when he became silence, there's a hint of confusion and hurt in his expression. I laughed inwardly when he couldn't even hide his real feelings.

"Did it upset you, Mingyu,yah? Don't be, I just don't want to lose you." I said and his head immediately snapped towards me causing me to hold my breath in. He observed me for a few seconds.

"Nice try, Haeun. Then tell me how did Jeonghan hyung knew about us, or I will drop you." He threatened with his infamous smirk.

I blinked my eyes and felt a rush of heat on my face, whether it was because our face were too close to each other, or because of his adorable fangs made its appearance.

"You wouldn't do that." I said as I tightened my hold around his neck more, smirking so confidently. He was taken aback as his smirk was now gone.

"Yes, I will. You want a proof?" He warned as he put up his serious look. Slowly, I sighed in defeat.

"Okay, okay, I will tell you."

"Go on, I'm listening." He said and I groaned softly.

"I didn't tell anything to Jeonghan though. He knew it by himself, you know, his brain is no joke. We can't fool him even we deny everything." I explained truthfully.

As soon as he heard me, Mingyu tilted his head to the side and continued walking to our destination. His hair swaying with him, making you smiled silently watching his soft locks copy his action.

"Why's that hyung has a very good intuitions? It's scary!" He wondered out loud. "Don't interact with him too much, it still upset me that you met him first before me."

Mingyu had recently taken up asking me things with an overprotective tone. I already tried to stop him, but he knew that it annoyed me, so he kind of had a reason to keep it up.

"Do you get it, Haeunie?"

I snickered, " Arasseo."

"Good girl," Mingyu chuckled to himself, patting my head. Suddenly, a realization hit me as I felt absurd at his tone. I felt like he treated me as his puppy.

"Tch, aren't i submissive? This is bad, when did my character become this way? Yah!" I huffed due to which Mingyu startled.

"You're like an ahjumma. Changing your character to an ahjumma?" He teased.

"Omo yah! You meanie!" I hit his broad back, mimicking an ahjumma voice. Mingyu laughed at this while walking leisurely up the hill.

I let out a out smile and and when he glanced at me over his shoulder, I quickly put up a nonchalant face.

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