1. Dust Of Icing & Mix Of Dreams

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It was one of those days where the baby blue sky welcomes the day with crowding puffs of clouds acting as the radiating joy to many who took the time to admire the fine sky. They were steady on their travelling with the blow of wind, ready to explore the Earth.

Taehyung stretched his arms out from his bed, feeling the fresh morning kissing his skin awake as the warm sun mediated the temperature in his two-bedroom apartment indicating it will be a good day. He squinted his eyes to pass the sheer glass of his bedroom window, looking up at the big yellow ball in the sky.

Unlike many, the brown head takes his time to usher in a new morning with the ritual he sets himself to from the moment he steps into his shower, to the second he walks out the door.

The 28-year-old young man has never lived passed a day without showing gratitude for everything he owns especially a corner cosy space downtown where he gets to spend his days kneading flours, dusting the icing sugar, baking his time away feeding the many sweet tooths who flocks his limited space like honey bees.

Summer is Taehyung's favourite season and he is just about to set another memorable day in his memory lane as he walked past the hustle bustle on the street towards his cafe, which he gets to call his own for precisely a year now.

"Morning Jin."

"Good morning Tae, early as ever."

"Speak for yourself, you're here earlier than me."

"I'm expecting a pay rise tomorrow since it's your one year anniversary." The older of the two said as he continued to clean the espresso machine.

Jin - who signed up to be Taehyung's permanent sous chef/patissier in the bakery greeted the brown head as Taehyung walked in with his baggy pants and a nice crisp white shirt.

"You need to stop wearing white tees to work Tae, it's gonna be stained with creams and colourings in like a second."

"And that's why humans designed aprons." Taehyung turned the sign on the door to the side which indicated open and settled his belongings in a small room, closer to their see-through glass kitchen.

The brown head secured the black apron around his waist, ready to start the day by baking choux pastries - one of the hype for his cafe. In the background, Jin tuned up a soft jazzy melody on the speaker to create white noise while they get down to business.

"Welcome to V's Bakery, what would you like to have today?" Jin was quick to start attending the customers who flocked in one by one while the brown head started to dust some flour on the iron table while he kneaded the improved dough with plenty of eyes scanning or rather drooling over the sight they get to catch while waiting in line for the checkouts.

It was a typical around the clock kind of day for Taehyung as he finished washing his utensils by the end of the evening ready to close his bakery as the clock struck 6 PM.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jin, you should head back. I'll clean up for the day."

"Thank God. I needed to flee, it's my date night today! Thanks, Tae, see ya."

Taehyung was not even close to opening his mouth for a reply when Jin dashed out of the store, practically racing his car away towards his partner.

"Crazy guy." The brown head patissier shakes his head with a small smile at the corner of his lips reminiscing how typical is it for his hometown friend Jin to behave chaotically on each given occasion.

When Taehyung took a massive decision to kickstart his dream as a patissier, he felt the roadblocks planted on his way by none other than his own family. It took about a year for him to constantly intern under renowned chefs in France and Italy to earn his credibility before he could settle on his own with a label under his identity as a patissier.

It involved a lot of hard-work and even more errors as he tried. Taehyung's dedication and passion probably were the sole success factor with his passion which fueled his dream to own his bakery at a tender age of 28.

Jin was among the truthful well-wisher who took a liking to bake and cooking who insisted he will stand by Taehyung through thick and thin. Fast forward a year into establishing his bakery by the courtesy of a little bank loan and lots of resources from his father, Taehyung is now a proud owner of V's Bakery. The brown head moved out of the town of Charleston and settled his dream in the city of Mumford. With him, Jin followed and been a great help since then.

The brown head switched off the lights after preparing a batch of dough to be improved overnight as he carefully secured the locks around before locking the door to his bakery. The young patissier retraced the same pathway which he took that morning, eyes on the night sky, skin feeling the brush of cool breeze after having the luxury of good weather during the day.

This is Taehyung.
I'm not a hopeless romantic but
I do love reading such stories.

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