28. Unexpected Turn & Sincere Confession

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"Are you avoiding me Bambi?"

"No. Why would you think so?" Jungkook continued to fidget, pressing his long fingers into a fist, nails digging deep into the flesh of his palms. He dare not to look in the older's direction. Jungkook knows he will lose his cool as soon as his eyes meet the intoxicating hazel ones.

"Well it doesn't seem to me you're not doing so Kooks. Why weren't you at the bakery today?"

Taehyung watched the younger's reaction. He notices how hard Jungkook was trying to avoid his eye contact and subsequently choose to lie his way out.

"There were guests. Couldn't make it. Sorry."

"Tsk. Why bother to apologise when you know you're lying Jungkook."

The raven head felt split at the intervention. His hesitation to admit the truth and at the same time to not re-live the feelings he was encaged in less than 24 hours before this. There is no chance he is going to be readily giving himself away with the embarrassing thought of having Taehyung finding out his true feelings.

"You see the boys out there. They were here since morning."

Taehyung narrowed his eyes at the younger. From his previous conversation with Louis over the phone this morning, Tae knows that only Jimin stayed the night from before while Hoseok and himself joined Jungkook later in the afternoon. Which was the plan for Jungkook mentioned he won't be available to host in the morning.

"Didn't you agree to assist me yesterday Kooks? I was waiting for you."

Guilt spread like a wildfire in Jungkook's chest. Every fibre of his body sparked with the sense of guilt taking over his emotion.


Taehyung was expecting another cover-up but when the younger apologized, the older immediately let go of his interrogation mode and left out a huge sigh. "There is nothing for you to be sorry about Bambi." The older rested his hands on top of Jungkook's, making the younger surprised by the sudden act.

"I had a tough day today. Not with the work, but more personally. I just got really worried not seeing you coming over as you promised. Your phone was unreachable. Jimin's too. I didn't know who to call so I reached out to Louis."

The older explained what did Louis told him and said it's perfectly fine if Jungkook decided to change his plan at the very last minute given that he wasn't obligated to assist Tae in the first place.

"I'm sorry Tae. I should have at least let you know I wasn't coming."

"That's alright." A weak smile was there to support Tae's word as he playfully bopped Jungkook's nose, trying to make the mood lighter than it was.

"Why did you come here?" Not that Jungkook didn't want to have the older there with him, but the brown head's sudden appearance brought a questioning mark on his mind.

"I wanted to see you. I didn't expect the others to be here too. Just wanna have a chat I guess?" Taehyung threw his head back and ultimately leaning back, making his back meet the soft mattress he was glad to crash into. Suddenly, all the tiredness of the day and the chaotic thought came rushing in.

"Wanna have a chat?"

The brown head's face paused expressing before he nodded. There wasn't anything obvious for Jungkook to decipher but when his dark onyx hooked onto the brown head's hazel ones, Jungkook momentarily froze with the depth of Taehyung's gaze.

"What do you wanna chat about?"

"My family." Taehyung supported his head with the palms of his hands, finding a comfortable position to watch Jungkook as he speaks.

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