27. Drunken Mess & Forbidden Friend

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Jimin didn't made his way back as he thought he would when the duo uncovered the shocking revelation overnight. As the time of dusk draws near, the blond stirred on the couch as he watched a figure walking back and forth in the shared space.

When Jimin squinted his eyes further, he noticed Jungkook was holding tightly onto his phone. The constant ringing and notification made the older of the two grow insane as he was about to ask Jungkook what the hell was happening. A buzzing phone is not something you want to wake up to in the morning.

"Kook what the hell-..." He was abruptly alerted by his own phone which rang.

Incoming call: Taehyung

Jungkook looked over and saw Jimin squinted one of his eyes while the other remained closed due to the puffiness from his sleep the night before.

"It's Tae."

"I know." Jungkook gulped.

"Was he buzzing you as well?"

Jungkook nodded. For the past 30 minutes, he wandered around with the buzzing phone in his hand, unsure on how to react by the messages and incoming calls from Taehyung. The younger knows that Tae has done nothing wrong, it was all his own captivating thought which trapped him in this position. Never once did Taehyung ever asked any intimate questions or exhibited interest on him. Jungkook knows that the heart fluttering moments they have shared are perhaps the imagination of his thoughts about it might be something else and not Tae's conscious intention.

That's how understanding Jungkook is with the situation which subsequently made him enslave himself with the fear about meeting someone he likes who is not even into guys. Secondly, he is engaged.

"Are you not answering him? Is that why he is calling me?"


Jimin sighed as he sat up on his couch bed. With a little ruffle on his hair and deep breathes, the blond spoke. "Jungkook, are you avoiding him?"


The answer came in a little quicker than expected and squeaky high in pitch making Jimin confident with the fact that Jungkook is indeed beating around the bushes with Taehyung. The young boxer is in dilemma and perhaps a little heart break.

"Jungkook. Is it in regards to what we talked about last night? About him being engaged?"

Slowly, the younger dropped his head to keep his eyes on the floor trying to hold back the bitterness crawling deep in him.

"How long will you avoid him?"

"I don't know. I just-...urgh I don't even know why I kept my feelings going when I know he is just a friend. He is the heir of VANTE and he is engaged to a beautiful girl, he is not into guys. I feel foolish."

Jimin sighed. The blond male didn't put the blame on Taehyung for making his friend's heart ache. He don't think it's Tae's fault in not revealing his identity. To be honest, Jimin was a little bumped but he came to a clear conscience that Tae has all the rights to keep his personal life personal. Just like how he doesn't know much about Jungkook's family as the younger doesn't talk much about it.

"It's nobody's fault Kooks. You didn't know it and it's not Tae's fault for not saying it. I mean how often we just talk about our family backgrounds with one another? Without knowing it, you couldn't have stopped your feelings. Just take your time to relax and it's alright to like someone without them liking back."

The blond opened his arms and asked the younger for a hug. Jungkook who was in need of attention waddled his way through and settled himself in the older's arm.

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