54. The End & A Mistake

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"What the hell is Jungkook up to Hobi?" Jimin nervously turned to the side as he watched in horror.

"I have no clue Jimin. It's like he is not defending himself." Hobi's sad tone was overpowered by the cheering crowd as the half time was up, ready for the arena to witness the second half of the match with Steve in lead by 2 points.

Taehyung was brewing in anger. He couldn't stop his legs from making a move towards the silver head on the stage. Without a doubt, Tae knows that Lucas must have done his devil's work.

"Tae, the match resumed. Where are you going?" Yoongi held his cousin brother back and Taehyung yanked his hands away with full force alerting the rest of the crew who looked at the aggressive brown head.

"Let me go Yoongi. I swear I am going to murder Lucas. How dare he?" Taehyung fumed.

"What? Why are you pulling that asshole in this? We need to focus Tae." Jin pointed as he noticed Steve scored another point while Jungkook stumbled backwards, falling on the rope to support his upper body.

"Fuck! Taehyung look at Jungkook!" The oldest of them all panicked as Taehyung swift his attention to the ring to be greeted by the heartbreaking scene where he saw Jungkook was struggling with blood running down his jaw and mouth.

"K-kook..." Taehyung's heart broke. "Stop!" The brown head tried to leap forward to only felt the force holding him back. "Yoongi, let me go!"

"Not when you don't have control over your freaking mind. The competition is on Tae! You can't simply walk in there."

Taehyung struggled but he failed when more pair of hands held him back as the corner of his eyes tear profoundly with the sight he is unable to witness. With all the anger pent up inside him, Taehyung stepped back as he did not wish to create the scene for Jungkook. He needed the younger to focus and try to not get hurt further.

Within the next few minutes, Jungkook was shattered. He was losing and he was doing it terribly. By taking all the swings and jabs with punches, Jungkook looked like he is about to pass out.

"I wish the match ends fast." Jimin was crying as he can't wait to reach out to Jungkook at the end of the match.

With the match ending at Steve's victory and Jungkook's lack of 5 points to grab the championship, Jimin ran out of the seat towards Jungkook who was being carried out. The younger has passed out and his breathing turned shallow.

"Taehyung, where are you going? Kook needs you." Yoongi pulled his cousin brother back as he knows Taehyung couldn't be bothered about the roaring crowd and cheer to celebrate Steve as his aim was towards the silver head.

"Let me go Yoongi."

"Not until after you check on Jungkook. He needs you."

A crack was heard in Taehyung's eardrum as he felt his heart tensed with the anger turning into worry. His love, Jungkook. "Kook! I need to see him." Taehyung was like a completely new avatar as he turned towards the waiting room where most probably Jungkook is at.

"Kook!" Taehyung came running to the room he was initially with Jungkook to find it empty. "Where the fuck is he?" He panicked with the rest of the boys at his back.

"Jimin told me he is being rushed to the hospital. He asked us to drive to Chester Hospital. Now." Hoseok ended the call with the smaller blonde who made the right choice to run after his best friend as he managed to climb in the ambulance together with the unconscious Jungkook.

With a heavy heart and light feet, Taehyung ran as fast as he could towards his car and tried to get into the driver's seat.

"You're not driving. Get in at the back." Yoongi was quick to toss Taehyung to the back seat and took control of the wheel for he knows the brown head is not in the right headspace to drive himself safely.

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