41. Movie Flop & Sincere Intention

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"Jungkook, what has gone into you today?"

Hoseok was sitting crossed leg on the couch picking the movie the friends were committed to watching when he noticed from the corner of his eyes the constant bliss on Jungkook's face.

"Jimin, doesn't he look possessed?" The copper head turned to the shorter male who was struggling to balance two bowls of popcorns as he joined the boys in the living room.

It was the day after Taehyung poured his heart out in a confession sealing Jungkook with his love interest as the duo spent the rest of the night in each other's arms, struggling to depart one another this morning when duty called Taehyung's presence at the bakery.

With the promise they will meet again tonight, Taehyung reluctantly left to prepare for his business leaving a sulking Jungkook behind who decided to join forces with his best friends at Hoseok's apartment.

The oldest among the three took to his best interest in hosting and frequently having them over as Louis who initially stayed as Hoseok's housemate has moved out of town, back to his own with the graduation taking place indicating his time in the city is over for now. Until further plans, Louis parted his ways with his friends with a heavy heart promised to come back at good times.

"Shut up Hobi. You're making me sound like a maniac."

"Maybe you are turning to one." Hoseok made a scared face at Jungkook while the younger rolled his eyes avoiding the elder's drama as he snatched a bowl of popcorn from the quiet Jimin. It wasn't very likely of the blond to not jump into such conversation with a heartbeat.

"Are you alright Jiminie?" The raven head adjusted on his seat, bowl in his lap, waiting to start the movie.


"Now you look like you've been hunt down by a ghost. What happened Jimin?" Hoseok put the remotes down as he turned to face the blond who was as pale as a white sheet.

"I'm fine."

"The hell you're not. Both of you." Hoseok pointed at his friends. "You look like you just won a lottery or had someone confessing to you." The copper head pointed at Jungkook. "And you young man looks like you're running away from something and overwhelmed about it." He turned to Jimin and dead stared at the blond.

"Are you a psychic or something Hobi?" Jungkook couldn't believe his friend is pointing things out almost precisely.

"So, which one is it? Won a lottery? Did someone confess to you? My bet is on the confession. You don't gamble." Hoseok narrowed his eyes at the younger. Things turned way more interested that the copper head ignored their supposed movie day altogether. Who needs a movie when we have Jungkook's love life to dig into.

"TAEHYUNG CONFESSED!!!" Hoseok jumped in the air as he clapped his hands like a seal.

"HOBI! CALM DOWN." Jungkook had to instruct the older to remain quiet with a finger over his lips so that the copper head will at least try to sustain his excitement.

"Fucking shit, he did?" Jimin gasped. Suddenly, his face turned livelier than it ever was in the past hour.

Jungkook grows flustered. He can't believe he can't keep this confession a secret for long. Guess his face and expressions are his number one enemy. When it comes to anything related to the brown head, he can't seem to hide his expressions.

"Spill. The. Tea." Hoseok sat back down, currently with a thousand volt of power shining through his face.

The raven head sighed and commented on his lame usage of the word tea before popping another popcorn into his mouth. There is nothing he wishes to hide and besides, Taehyung did say he doesn't mind others finding out about their exploration with one another.

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