14. Late Night & Tingling Senses

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Tucked in his bed, sleep pooled at the corner of the young ravenette's head as he fights to stay awake. Series of yawns kept coming at Jungkook as his sore eyes teared with the battle he was losing to sleep.

"Do you want to perhaps take a rest and get something to eat? I understand how you must be feeling, I want to hear it all if you're willing to share but I think you need some rest first Bambi."

Jungkook's eyes teared for real this time as he brought the hem of his heavy blanket to muffle his cries. He can't afford for the brown head in his living room to hear his cries. Taehyung has stepped into Jungkook's boundary more than anyone did in the past 24 years of his life.

The young patissier is probably the only one who has broken the barrier which Jungkook build on his own. Strange yet familiar. The desire in Jungkook's heart was clear for the yearn it has when it comes to the older.


Shit. Jungkook tried to muffle his cries as he secretly wiped his tears away. Thankfully his back was facing the door. With the dimness in his room, he was praying so far Taehyung will not notice his silent cries.

Everything is so sensitive and emotional for the raven head and he wants to get a big warm hug and cry his heart out.

"Jungkook?" The older's voice was much gentler this time, almost like a whisper as Jungkook could notice the light from the living room shining further into his bedroom as the door was wide opened by Taehyung.

The older who had no clue what kind of state the younger is at that very moment was contemplating if he should wake the younger up to order some takeaways. It's been precisely a couple of hours since Taehyung nudged Jungkook for a nap.

The young boss insists that he will hang around if that's alright with Jungkook until it's time for dinner. Jungkook being the one to have a deep crush brewing towards Taehyung agreed timidly liking the feeling of having the older around.

As Jungkook retrieved to his bedroom for a much-needed nap, Taehyung started to make himself home in the younger's living room. The brown head occupied the couch while scrolling through his phone for new pastry ideas with the hope that Jungkook was getting the rest he needed. Little did he know that Jungkook did not get a wink of sleep.

"I guess I will just wait for you then." Taehyung whispered to himself thinking out loud as he took a step and two backwards while he kept his eyes on the figure lying on the king-size bed.

The raven head waited for a second longer and couldn't hold back his sniffles as he left it out thinking Taehyung was out of the door. Guess he was wrong with his prediction as to the next thing he knew, he was engulfed by two strong arms with an alarming concern.

"Gosh Jungkook, are you ok?"

Taehyung leaned in with his chin on Jungkook's right bicep while the younger lost his walls into dust. All the self-control he was mustering came down broken into pieces when his cold heart and body felt the new sense of warmth through the older's embrace.

"Shh, it's alright Kooks. Let it out." Taehyung's heart did a flip and it sunk. He was ready to make a turn on his heel when he notices the tremble on Jungkook's body underneath the blanket. Immediately, he leapt on the bed and tried to embrace the younger as close as he could.

Taehyung had no idea how insecure and afraid Jungkook is of his personal space. The younger is not someone who lets people in easily. We all been known his introvert nature when it comes to social interactions.

Maybe having a bold and oblivious person like Taehyung is what Jungkook lacked in his life. The older's extrovert mindset with his cheery attitude towards others making him a charmer whom Jungkook can never envision to be.

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