4. Carrot Cake & Boxy Grin

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"Omg! This is sick!"

"Jungkook, you need a better vocabulary to support your current state of emotion. I believe the right word will be this is fucking delicious."

Jungkook giggled as he leaned back on the grey couch with a mouthful of carrot cake. It was 1 in the afternoon and as promised, the boxing champion of last night graced his presence at Louis's apartment which he co-shares with another senior in the college - Hoseok.

"By the way, where is Hobi?" Jungkook used the nickname which they stuck on labelling Hoseok on a guy's drunken night at Louis. It was an event of last year Halloween which Hoseok can never let die down without a first-hand embarrassment on his clumsy little drunken state.

"At the studio with Jimin. It's Saturday, you know him."

The raven head nodded as he knows Hoseok is a senior in arts who dedicates his time to additional dancing tutorials at college. Jimin on the other hand is a fellow dancer who does excellent contemporary who coaches the dancers with his skills.

As Louis was saying something along the line about the upcoming presentation in the economics class, Jungkook gracefully snatched another spoonful of the carrot cake which was portioned out for Louis.

"Hey! That's mine!"

"Sorry Louie, what is mine is mine and what is yours is also mine."

The younger of the two giggled as he moaned with the delicious taste exploding in his mouth. For some reason, Jungkook has been deprived of the sugary delights that he can swallow a bottle of syrup and still crave for more. It may due to the preparation for the competition last night which caused Jungkook to be on a strict diet, hence causing him a withdrawal. He isn't a natural sweet tooth but he can never say no to food.

To train and keep himself dedicated to stay in shape for the boxing match was torture which in Jungkook's opinion deserves him a treat just like the one he is having now.

"You should be fucking grateful I chose to diet with you for the competition to not leave you out. So please don't steal my cake!" Louis took away the plate while Jungkook fake pouted.

"Fine! If you're not giving it to me then I will get one on my own." Jungkook threw the spoon on the table creating a loud thump as he crossed his arms feeling slightly burned.

"You better clean it up before Hobi comes back. You know how clean and neat he likes to keep things around him." Louis raised his brows and pointed at the little mess the used spoon created by shredding a few crumbs of the carrot cake the raven head was devouring.

Jungkook wanted to protest but he knows what a clean freak Hoseok is. Besides, he isn't about to disappoint the closest senior he has in college. Hoseok is a ray of literal sunshine and Jungkook isn't about to get himself burn by the sun itself.

"Fine. Don't use the Hobi card on me again. I warned you."

The playful bickers between Jungkook and his friend continued until it was finally time for the duo to head out for lunch which Jungkook owe Louis for bailing on him the night before.

"1 down and 6 more to go. Thanks, Jungkookie." Louis grinned as he tapped his belly.

Jungkook let out a little laugh watching how contended his friend got talking stories about something he read online. One thing that made both of them such good friend is because Jungkook has no pressure being a friend to Louis. The raven head can safely say so about Hoseok and potentially Jimin as well who he is growing closer with.

You may see the ravenette as a rough and tough hunk but truthfully, he is an introvert which many people fail to gel given the appearance he has as a competitive boxer who so happen to be a top scholar as well.

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