40. Serene & Pure

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I don't know about you but for me, cuddling transports me to a serene place where I can lose myself in tranquillity in the warmth of the person's embrace I am snuggling in.

Similarly, Taehyung was feeling serene. The anxiety and commotion in his wild soul calmed down as soon as his body was flushed against the younger's. Even in this condition, Jungkook still played the little spoon by cocooning himself in Tae's chest.

The brown head is certainly not complaining. One of his favourite moments with Jungkook is when he can easily pamper the younger like this. As he felt the warmth against his chest increase, the older inhaled deeply, loving the fresh cool oceanic scent on Jungkook.

He smelled fresh and relaxing.

"Tae? Are you feeling better now?"

Half an hour must have passed since the time Jungkook climbed onto the bed to find the older tossing and turning on the bed. Restlessness was plastered all over his face indicating the discomfort in his heart.


Jungkook looked up. Although he can't look into the eyes of the man he cared for with the position he was pushed against. He tried his best to ensure he paid all his attention to Taehyung. "You wanna talk?"

"Aren't you tired Bambi?" Taehyung adjusted himself, allowing Jungkook easy access to his handsome face. There is no way Tae is going to talk without having the luxury to stare at Jungkook's adorable face.

"No, I want to know why are you looking disturbed. You don't usually look like this though."

"Do I look uglier than this?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the older's mocking. If Taehyung looks ugly then what makes the rest of us? Trolls.

"Stop it, I wasn't joking. I am worried." Jungkook landed his chin right on the centre of Taehyung's chest as he swung his right leg over the older's body. Taehyung laid straight adjusting the height of his head so that he can cuddle Jungkook comfortably.

With one arm under his head and the other running up and down Jungkook's back, Taehyung inhaled and exhaled deeply deciding that he want to speak transparently with Jungkook about Lucas.

"Who was the man that offered you a ride back home Kook?"

"The one in the mini?"

"Mhm. Who is that?"

"That's Lucas. Lucas Kallister. He is also a student at Keller's. I wasn't aware of him until in recent days he approached me saying he is the second top student in the business school. Right behind me coz, I am the topper." Jungkook's proud grin was making an appearance making Taehyung coo internally.

"Do you know who Lucas Kallister is?"

"I just told you." Jungkook couldn't understand where is Taehyung going with this.

"What I meant is, do you know his origin and who he is? Like his family background, status? Doesn't the word Kallister ring a bell Kook?" Taehyung gently pushed his fingers from the nape of Jungkook's back to his soft raven locks. The older was getting too comfortable in playing with Jungkook's hair as the younger focused so hard on deciphering the equation.

"Kallister?" The word did ring a bell in Jungkook's mind but he wasn't sure which bell does this sound belongs to.

"OMG! He is Aunt Sara's son!" Jungkook couldn't have yanked himself off sooner than he did from Taehyung breaking the older's hold on him.

"Why did you sit up?" Taehyung hated the loss of contact he experienced as Jungkook apologised and crawled back to the same position putting a satisfying smile on Taehyung's face.

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